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Pria Ini Kenakan Busana ala Lolita Setiap Hari, Respons Istrinya Tak Terduga

This Man Wears Lolita-style Clothing Every Day, His Wife's Unexpected Response

Dream - Someone's love for their hobby will certainly influence their lifestyle, including in choosing their fashion style. Just like what a man from China did, he wears dresses and makeup like Lolita every day for work. The former programmer and cosplay enthusiast has always loved Lolita fashion. However, now he has decided to wear those clothes and even accessorize every day to his workplace. This behavior, which may be considered strange, has successfully attracted public attention and curiosity.

This Man Wears Lolita-style Clothing Every Day, His Wife's Unexpected Response

Quoted from the Odditycentral website, the man who is familiarly called D-Jiang always adorns himself in a Lolita style with great dedication every day. Not only dresses, he also uses accessories to support his appearance.

"Getting Support from Wife"

Uniquely, it turns out that the wife also has a similar hobby as the former programmer. The wife, who also likes Lolita fashion, even often helps D-Jiang to do his makeup. Every day, she spends about two hours doing her striking makeup before going to work.

Alasan D-Jiang Menggunakan Kostum Lolita Setiap Hari

Reasons Why D-Jiang Wears Lolita Costume Every Day

Although it may be considered strange by some people, the 36-year-old man doesn't care. Because, according to him, what matters is that he feels happy with the unique clothes.

"Jika saya menyukai gaya Lolita, maka saya harus memakainya sendiri. Lagipula, saya sudah membeli banyak gaun dengan gaya seperti itu, jadi kenapa tidak memakainya?" "If I like the Lolita style, then I must wear it myself. Moreover, I have already bought many dresses with such a style, so why not wear them?"
say D-Jiang to the Chinese magazine, New People.

quoted from odditycentral.

"I believe that clothing has no gender. When I wear a dress, it doesn't mean that I am wearing women's clothing. A dress is just a dress itself,"


"He wears Lolita clothing because of a series of unforgettable events. In 2019, he lost his relatives, as well as his pet cat who had been with him for 10 years. The sequence of events made him realize that life is short and he must do whatever he wants."

“Ketika saya meluangkan waktu untuk berdandan dengan baik dan mengenakan gaun yang indah, saya merasa telah memanfaatkan waktu saya sebaik-baiknya,”

"When I take the time to dress up nicely and wear a beautiful dress, I feel like I have made the most of my time."

word D-Jiang .

This Man Wears Lolita-style Clothing Every Day, His Wife's Unexpected Response

D-Jiang spends hours every morning to apply makeup on her face, style her long hair, and choose the dress she will wear. She has around 200 unique clothes in her wardrobe.

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