Dream - Idul Yatama or the day of celebrating orphaned children is usually celebrated on the 10th of Muharram or the day of Ashura. However, this day of celebrating orphaned children is not the same as the celebration of Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Adha. On the 10th of Muharram, it is usually used to express the joy of orphaned children. This is shown by the many people who give them charity. Just as the Prophet Muhammad himself loved orphaned children. Not only did he give charity to orphaned children, but the Prophet Muhammad also provided for his family on the 10th of Muharram.
The following is a more detailed explanation regarding the celebration of orphan's day or Idul Yatama in Islam as summarized by Dream through various sources.
"Day of Celebration for Orphans in Islam"
"Previously it has been explained that the celebration of orphan's day is different from the celebration of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. However, in Islamic teachings, there is a commandment to love and provide for orphaned children."
As explained in the book Tanbihul Ghafilin bi-Ahaditsi Sayyidil Anbiyaa-i wal Mursalin. The Prophet saw said: "Whoever fasts on the day of Ashura (the 10th of Muharram), Allah will give him the reward of a thousand angels and the reward of 10,000 martyrs. And whoever wipes the head of an orphan on the day of Ashura, Allah will elevate his status for every hair that is wiped." Although the chain of narration for the above hadith is weak, its content is permissible to be practiced because it is related to goodness.
In the above hadith, it is mentioned 'wiping the head of an orphan' which according to Sheikh Abu Thayyib is explained as follows: "Wiping the head of an orphan is a metaphor for compassion and gentle attitude (towards orphans). This metaphorical meaning is not contradictory to the literal meaning, as both can be combined." On the 10th of Muharram, orphans are having fun because many people love them. Therefore, some refer to it as the celebration of orphan's Eid.
"The Virtue of Caressing the Head of Orphaned Children"
On the 10th of Muharram, besides providing assistance to orphaned children, Muslims are also encouraged to show affection towards orphaned children.
This recommendation is explained in one of the following hadiths of the Prophet, peace be upon him: "A man complained to the Prophet, peace be upon him, about the hardness of his heart. The Prophet said, 'Feed the poor and wipe the head of the orphan.'" (HR. Ahmad No. 9018) This is because there are many virtues that will be obtained by wiping the head of an orphan. One of them is that the status of the orphan will be raised as much as the hair of the orphan. Here is the wording of the hadith:
"Whoever strokes the head of an orphan (shows compassion/cares for) on the day of Ashura (10th of Muharram), Allah will raise his status as many as the hairs of the orphan's head that are touched by his hand." (Hadith 212 from the book Tanbih al-Ghafilin)
"Prayer for Touching the Head of an Orphan Child"
The following is a prayer reading for wiping on an orphaned child that Dream friends need to know:
Jabarollaahu yutmaka wa ja'alaka kholfan min abiika. Meaning: "May Allah close your sorrow and make you a good replacement for your father." Meanwhile, when hosting an orphan, Dream's friend can recite the following prayer: "Allahumma arzuqni fihi rahmatan al-aytam wa it'aam al-ta'am wa ifsha' al-salam wa suhbah al-kiram bi tawlik ya malja'a al-amalin." Meaning: "O Allah, grant me provision in the form of compassion towards orphans, feeding them, spreading peace, and companionship with noble people, with Your grace. O refuge for those who hope."
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