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Unik, Makhluk Ini Tak Punya Otak Tapi Punya Kemampuan Belajar

Unique, This Creature Has No Brain But Has Learning Abilities.

New research on brainless organisms has brought interesting discoveries.

Organisms like jellyfish, coral, and sea anemones do not have a centralized brain, but recent research shows that some of these creatures are capable of learning in surprising ways.

Unik, Makhluk Ini Tak Punya Otak Tapi Punya Kemampuan Belajar

"Contohnya, Actinia equina, yang dikenal sebagai anemon beadlet, biasanya menentang upaya perampasan wilayahnya oleh anemon lain.  " translates to "For example, Actinia equina, known as the beadlet anemone, typically resists attempts to encroach on its territory by other anemones.  "

It is revealed that the creature Actinia equina can identify its own genetic clones. When there is a smuggler with genetic copies identical to itself, this anemone learns to recognize them through repeated interactions and adjusts its resistance response towards them.

Unik, Makhluk Ini Tak Punya Otak Tapi Punya Kemampuan Belajar

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "A similar thing happens with box jellyfish, even though it only has a few thousand nerve cells gathered around its four eyes."

This jellyfish is able to associate changes in light intensity with tactile feedback (touch) and adapt their swimming behavior. According to recent research, box jellyfish show remarkable levels of learning, even considered to be more advanced.

Unik, Makhluk Ini Tak Punya Otak Tapi Punya Kemampuan Belajar

"Even more surprising, there are organisms without any brain structure at all, such as slime mold or slime fungi."

Slime mold has the ability to remember routes to food sources, utilizing past experiences to guide future searches, even learning to ignore the bitter taste of caffeine in order to seek nutritious rewards. Slime mold is a single-celled organism that falls under the category of protists.

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Then there is Mimosa pudica, better known as the shy princess, which has the ability to physically respond by folding and bowing its leaves as a form of protection against physical disturbances. They can adapt and learn to ignore false alarms because this activity requires a lot of energy.

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