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"Unique Shoe Design, Can Walk While Scattering Plant Seeds"

Unique Shoe Design, Walk while Planting Seeds

Dream - There are many innovations that bring positive changes to the environment. Including those related to fashion items. Have you ever imagined that the shoes you use, not only make your appearance cooler, but also serve as a seed disperser for plants?

Unique Shoe Design, Walk while Planting Seeds

A unique shoe designed by Kiki Grammatopoulos, a graduate of Central Saint Martins. This shoe is named Rewild the Run.

Unique Shoe Design, Walk while Planting Seeds
Unique Shoe Design, Walk while Planting Seeds

This shoe is designed to disperse plants and seeds in the city by adopting the concept of biomimicry. The sole of this shoe has small hooks that attach to the ground and plant seeds when the wearer steps on it.

Unique Shoe Design, Walk while Planting Seeds

The goal is to combine fashion and sports to invite people to engage in the rewilding movement. The aim is to restore ecosystems by providing more space for nature to thrive without excessive human interference.

Unique Shoe Design, Walk while Planting Seeds

The hooks on this shoe work like epizoochory, similar to how seeds stick to animal fur. The creator's inspiration came from two types of plants, namely thorny plants that have sharp seeds and grapple plants whose fruits have small thorns.

Kiki wants to explore the relationship with the wild nature in the city, as well as the possible changes that may occur if ecology and biodiversity are given more attention, as seen during the Covid-19 pandemic. She emphasizes the importance of awareness of the fragility of the city's natural system for human survival.

Unique Shoe Design, Walk while Planting Seeds
Unique Shoe Design, Walk while Planting Seeds

The soles of these shoes are very rough. The other function is to help the movement of other species by marking the trails that have been passed through the forest.

Prototype of these shoes is made according to the New Balance trail running shoe standards and printed with nylon polymer using 3D printing technology. Kiki Grammatopoulos hopes that this product can be printed with rubber through 3D printing in the future. Currently, she is testing its design with the Run the Boroughs running community in London. She hopes that her shoes can make sports, especially hiking and running, more active in preserving and conserving the urban environment. Report by Amanda Syavira/Source: We Forum.

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