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"For the First Time in History, the Appearance of This Marine Animal is Captured on Camera"

You may think the name "giant ghost jellyfish" sounds somewhat dramatic, but you have never come face to face with Stygiomedusa gigantea.

"Recently, a group of international scientists with the Viking Expedition Team became the first to capture photographic evidence of this elusive creature and prove that its name is indeed accurate."

Found in Antarctica

The team found a creature measuring 33 feet long while exploring the icy waters of Antarctica. They managed to take out the camera just in time to capture an image of the jellyfish moving through the water, its tentacles waving like long ribbons.


Although this species was first discovered in 1910, until now there have only been 126 recorded encounters with S. gigantea. The giant ghost jellyfish is believed to feed on plankton and small fish, and can be found hiding anywhere from the water's surface to a depth of 21,900 feet. The giant bell on top of its body is estimated to have a diameter of three feet. Ribbon-like tentacles are used for feeding.

The team published a paper last month in the journal Polar Research that describes their once-in-a-lifetime meeting.

In the paper, they stated that their photos are evidence that their private submarine "can be a biological research vessel in the polar region."

The team published a paper last month in the journal Polar Research that describes their once-in-a-lifetime meeting.
Untuk Pertama Kali dalam Sejarah, Penampakan Hewan Laut Ini Tertangkap Kamera

The appearance of giant ghost jellyfish also opens up new avenues for further research.

Dr. Damon Stanwell-Smith, Head of Science and Sustainability at Viking, told IFLScience that he believes this is just the beginning of many scientific papers generated from research conducted on the Viking expedition ship.

Source: Outdoors


Does that mean there will be more giant jellyfish in the future? We can only hope so.
"For now, you can read further observations from the team at Polar Research or view pictures of the giant sea creature. That may be as far as you will obtain or desire."

Source: Outdoors

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