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Viral Anggota DPD Protes Soal Petugas Frontliner Bandara Bali, Berujung Minta Maaf

Viral DPD Members Protest About Bali Airport Frontliner Officers, Resulting in an Apology

Viral DPD Member Protests about Bali Airport Frontliner Officers, Ends with Apology

"Dream - Member of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) or senator from Bali, Arya Wedakarna (AWK), clarifies after his video went viral on social media, questioning the frontliners at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport Bali."

"Based on input from national figures and also from the people of Bali Province, I, Arya Wedakarna, a senator of the Regional Representative Council of Indonesia, hereby convey several things. Clarifying and providing clarification regarding the circulation of excerpts from our working meeting as the Committee I on Legal Affairs of the Regional Representative Council of Indonesia representing Bali Province."

The text translates to: "Arya's words in the clarification video uploaded on his Instagram account @aryawedakarna, quoted on Wednesday, January 3, 2023."


Viral Video Clip of Meeting

Arya explained that the meeting was part of his recess activities as a member of the Bali Regional Representative Council (DPD Bali), which was held on December 29, 2023. The meeting was attended by officials from Ngurah Rai Airport, Customs and Excise, and other relevant agencies located at Ngurah Rai airport office. Regarding the video of him questioning the appearance of frontline officers, Arya explained that the circulating upload had been edited by being cut.


"Thus, I would like to convey that regarding the viral video circulating in society, the circulating video is a video that has been edited by several media outlets or irresponsible individuals."
"tuturnya" translates to "he/she speaks" in English.


Viral DPD Member Protests about Bali Airport Frontliner Officers, Ends with Apology

According to Arya, at that time he requested that the Bali Customs prioritize local sons and daughters to become staff in the front or frontliner section who welcome guests after the plane lands at Ngurah Rai Airport.

"I think this is very normal for anyone, anywhere, to still have the spirit of being a local son as the aspiration of all representatives."
"ujarnya" translates to "he/she said."


Arya explained, it would be better if frontline officers were Balinese who understand Balinese customs and culture. One of the characteristics is wearing bija or sacred rice. "We request that a Balinese employee who happens to be present prioritize the characteristics of Balinese culture in the process of welcoming or greeting, or customs inspection. For example, we suggest using bija or sacred rice that is usually obtained after praying," said Arya.

"Convey Apologies"

Arya claimed not to have offended any religion in his explanation at the meeting with the management of Ngurah Rai Airport. According to him, what was conveyed is related to the Bali Regional Regulation No. 2 of 2012 concerning Bali Tourism, which is based on the culture inspired by the Hindu religion.


"Therefore, we do not mention any religion, any ethnicity, and any belief. That is in accordance with the regulations of Perda Bali No 2 Year 2012."

he said.

"So I convey clarification, and also if there are parties, components of the Indonesian nation who feel offended and object to what we conveyed, from the deepest bottom of my heart as a representative of the people of Bali in the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia, I sincerely apologize."

"ujar Arya." translates to "said Arya."


"Previously, a viral video clip of Arya requesting frontline officers at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali Airport to be filled by Balinese girls with open hair and wearing flowers. 'I don't want those frontline-frontline people, I want Balinese girls like you, with visible, open hair. Don't give them unclear coverings. This is not the Middle East. It's nice in Bali, wear flowers or whatever, wear jewelry here. If possible, before duty, ask them to pray at the temple, wear jewelry,' said Arya, as quoted from the circulating video on Wednesday, January 3, 2024."

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