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Wear Clothes to Cover Aura but Seem Uncovered, Instead Becomes the Center of Attention: Muslimah Avoid Wearing Syuhrah Clothing

Wear Clothes to Cover Aura but Seem Uncovered, Instead Becomes the Center of Attention: Muslimah Avoid Wearing Syuhrah Clothing

Wearing Modest Clothing but Looking Uncovered, Instead Becoming the Center of Attention: Muslim Women Avoid Wearing Syuhrah Clothing

Dream - Covering the aurat is mandatory for every Muslim, both men and women. This obligation to cover the aurat has been explained in detail and is already written in the al-Quran and hadith.

Currently, it can be said that more and more Muslim women are slowly covering their aurat (body parts that should be covered). What's even more refreshing is that on average, they choose to wear jubah (a loose-fitting outer garment) and loose clothing.

Wearing Modest Clothing but Looking Uncovered, Instead Becoming the Center of Attention: Muslim Women Avoid Wearing Syuhrah Clothing

In addition, many local brands produce beautiful and trendy jubah designs. Therefore, indirectly, Muslim women can still dress according to the guidance of sharia.

However, in the enthusiasm for dressing up, Muslim women need to be more cautious, especially in choosing the materials for their clothes. This is to avoid Muslim clothing that they wear being categorized as 'syuhrah' clothing. Ummu Nailah, a female sewing teacher from Malaysia involved in Muslim fashion production, voiced her concerns.

"He saw many fashion designs of robes using smooth materials like satin that tend to highlight the body shape."

Wearing Modest Clothing but Looking Uncovered, Instead Becoming the Center of Attention: Muslim Women Avoid Wearing Syuhrah Clothing

"As a sewing teacher who strives to elevate the dignity of Islamic clothing in society, this satin fabric clothing is completely unsuitable as Muslimah attire,"

"ungkap Ummu Nailah who is concerned about the selection of materials for Muslimah clothing today."

Wearing Modest Clothing but Looking Uncovered, Instead Becoming the Center of Attention: Muslim Women Avoid Wearing Syuhrah Clothing

According to him, even though it covers the body, it can be categorized as 'syuhrah' clothing that accentuates the body shape.

"He also shared excerpts from the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and the views of scholars regarding the prohibition of wearing 'syuhrah' clothing. 'He said, 'Whoever wears 'syuhrah' clothing, Allah will clothe him with garments of humiliation on the Day of Judgment'.' (Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Abu Daud; a sound hadith)"

Nailah explains that 'syuhrah' clothing is strange attire for residents or anyone who is in a country or place where such clothing is worn.

Wearing Modest Clothing but Looking Uncovered, Instead Becoming the Center of Attention: Muslim Women Avoid Wearing Syuhrah Clothing

"This will cause many people's attention to be focused on the wearer, making them amazed or feel strange about it. The goal is to have many people's attention focused on him, making himself feel special, whether it's in terms of wealth or religiosity," added Nailah."

Nailah then quoted the fatwa of the Mufti of Perlis, Associate Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, referring to the book Nil al-Author by Imam Asy-Syaukani. She also included the views of scholars regarding the factors that cause 'syuhrah' clothing to be prohibited, namely: Intention of Pride, Strange, Odd, Striking, and Attracting Attention.

"Thus, my weak and humble opinion is to avoid wearing French Jilbab, robe, or khimar made of satin material, as it can accentuate the body shape. Wallahualam,"

ungkap Ummu Nailah. translates to Ummu Nailah said.

As additional information, the former Federal Territory Mufti, Datuk Seri Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri, through the Maktabah Al-Bakri website, explained in detail about the requirements for women's clothing, which are: Covering the Entire Body Except the Face and Palms of the Hands: "Clothing should cover the entire body except the face and palms of the hands. Scholars require it if it can protect from temptation. Loose and Not Tight: "Clothing should be loose and not tight."

Tidak Menjadi Perhiasan: "Clothing should not be a decoration in itself, by not being flashy or having attention-grabbing colors, such as clothing with many bright colors." Tidak Menyerupai Pakaian Lelaki: "Women's clothing should not resemble men's clothing." Tidak Menggunakan Wangi-wangian pada Pakaian: "One should not use fragrances on clothing as it can lead to slander."

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