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Welcome 27 Rajab, This is the Prayer of Isra Mi'raj in Arabic, Latin, and Complete Meaning of its Virtue

Welcome 27 Rajab, This is the Prayer of Isra Mi'raj in Arabic, Latin, and Complete Meaning of its Virtue

Dream - Rajab is the seventh month in the Hijri calendar and also serves as a sign of the approaching month of Ramadan, which is always eagerly awaited by Muslims. During the month of Rajab, Muslims are advised to increase their worship and good deeds as an addition to the rewards of the obligatory worship that has been performed before.

As one of the four noble months in which Allah's mercy is widely spread on earth, there is an important event in the month of Rajab, namely the Isra Mi'raj of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Isra Mi'raj is the spiritual journey of the Prophet from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to Sidratul Muntaha or the seventh heaven.

Welcoming 27 Rajab, Here is the Prayer of Isra Mi'raj in Arabic, Latin, and Complete Meaning of Its Virtues

Isra Mi'raj is considered a remarkable physical and spiritual event and is believed to be true by a Muslim. Allah SWT directly commanded the obligatory prayer to Prophet Muhammad SAW. The event, which took place on the 27th of Rajab, is celebrated by Muslims by reciting the Isra Mi'raj prayer on that day. Here is the recitation of the Isra Mi'raj prayer that Sahabat Dream needs to practice.

"Reading of the Prayer of Isra Mi'raj that Needs to be Practiced"

"As Muslims, we are encouraged to commemorate the night of Isra Miraj by increasing acts of goodness such as remembrance of Allah, supplication, voluntary prayers, and so on. One of these acts is a prayer for Isra Mi'raj, which can be recited in Arabic, Latin, or its translation, and can be learned and memorized in the following explanation:"


"Allahumma thohhir lisaanii minal kadzibi wa qolbii minan nifaaqi wa 'amalii minar riyaa-i wa bashorii minal khiyaanati fa innaka ta'lamu khoo-inatal a'yuni wa maa tukhfish shuduuru. Meaning: "O Allah, purify my tongue from lies, purify my heart from hypocrisy, purify my actions from showing off, purify my sight from betrayal, for you know the treachery of the eyes and what the hearts conceal."

Keutamaan Isra Mi'raj yang Luar Biasa

"The Extraordinary Merits of Isra Mi'raj"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The following are the amazing virtues of Isra Mi'raj as evidence of the greatness of Allah and the truth of Islam:"

1. Proof of the Greatness of Allah

The event of Isra Mi'raj depicts the clear evidence of the greatness of Allah SWT. The journey of Prophet Muhammad SAW from Mecca to Jerusalem, and then ascending to the seventh heaven in one night, is a miracle that surpasses human logic. This is concrete evidence of the unlimited power of Allah SWT.


"“Glory be to Allah, who took His servant on a journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, whose surroundings We have blessed, in order to show him some of Our signs. Surely, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.”"

"(QS. Al-Isra' ayat 1)" translates to "(Chapter Al-Isra' verse 1)" in English.


2. Proof of the Prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH

The event of Isra Mi'raj confirms the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad SAW clearly. No other human being has ever made such a journey, so this event becomes evidence of the superiority and truth of the message brought by Prophet Muhammad SAW as the messenger of Allah SWT.


3. Evidence of the Existence of Heaven and Hell

In the journey of Isra Mi'raj, Prophet Muhammad SAW witnessed heaven and hell. This fact confirms the reality that heaven and hell are not mere concepts, but real places that will be inhabited by humans after death.


4. Evidence of the Power of Allah

The event of Isra Mi'raj is evidence that Allah SWT has unlimited capabilities. Allah SWT is able to do everything, even things that are beyond human understanding.

"Indeed, Muhammad has seen Gabriel (in his true form) at another time, namely at Sidratil Muntaha. Near it is the Paradise of residence, (Muhammad saw Gabriel) when Sidratil Muntaha was covered by something that covered it. His sight (Muhammad) did not turn away from what he saw and did not exceed it. Indeed, he has seen some of the greatest signs of his Lord's power." (QS. An-Najm verses 13-18)


5. Proof of the Truth of Islam

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The Isra Mi'raj event is one of the miracles of Prophet Muhammad SAW that affirms the truth of Islam as a religion originated from Allah SWT."

Amalan Sunah Bulan Rajab yang Penting Diamalkan Umat Islam

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The Important Sunnah Practices in the Month of Rajab that Muslims Should Implement".

1. Fasting in the Month of Rajab

The following text in 'Bahasa' translates to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The fasting that is carried out during the month of Rajab has been explained in the following hadith narrated by Imam Muslim: "Utsman bin Hakim al-Anshari said, 'I once asked Sa'id Ibnu Jubair about fasting in Rajab and we were in the month of Rajab at that time. Said replied, 'I heard Ibn 'Abbas say that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to fast (consecutively) to the point where we assumed he always fasted, and he would not fast (consecutively) to the point where we assumed he did not fast.'" (HR. Muslim)"

2. Increase Night Prayers

In addition to voluntary fasting, Sahabat Dream can perform other deeds in the month of Rajab, such as waking up at night to perform night prayers. This practice was regularly carried out by Sayyidina Ali, who focused on four nights of worship throughout the year, one of which is the first night of the month of Rajab. On that night, it is also recommended to recite the prayer for entering the month of Rajab, which Dream will explain further.


3. Increase Request for Forgiveness

The forgiveness of Allah is very vast for His servants, including during the month of Rajab. Therefore, during this month, it is advisable for us to increase our istighfar to seek forgiveness for all mistakes and sins.

"Whoever says Astaghfirullahal 'adzim alladzi laa ilaaha illaa huwal hayyul qayyum wa atubu ilaih (I seek forgiveness from Allah the Almighty, there is no god but He, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence. I repent to Him) three times, then his sins have been forgiven even if he flees from the battlefield (where it is considered a major sin)."

4. Increase the recitation of blessings upon the Prophet.

The following text is translated from Bahasa to English while preserving the HTML tags: "The recommendation to recite this prayer is explained in the words of Allah SWT through the verse Al-Ahzab 56 as follows: Verily, Allah and His angels send blessings upon the Prophet. O you who believe! Send blessings upon him and greet him with utmost respect."


"Prayer upon Entering the Month of Rajab"

Allâhumma barik lana fi Rajaba wa Sya‘bâna wa ballighna Ramadhana Translation: "O Allah, bless us in the month of Rajab and the month of Sha'ban. Guide us to the month of Ramadan."

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