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"How is the Law for Not Paying Qadha Fasting in Ramadan? Here is the Explanation and the Risks Obtained."

Dream - Ramadan fasting is obligatory for every Muslim, both male and female, who has reached puberty. As the name suggests, this fasting is performed during the month of Ramadan for a full month. However, there are some Muslims who are unable to observe Ramadan fasting. For example, women who are menstruating or in postnatal bleeding, sick people, and elderly people. Now, those who are unable to observe the Ramadan fasting must make up for it. This can be done by making up the missed fasts or by paying fidyah.

Then, what is the law for not paying the qadha of Ramadan fasting? Considering that this fasting is a mandatory worship for Muslims. And what are the risks that will be obtained?

What is the Law for Not Paying Qadha Fasting in Ramadan? Here's the Explanation and the Risks Involved
What is the Law for Not Paying Qadha Fasting in Ramadan? Here's the Explanation and the Risks Involved

The following is an explanation of the law of not paying the qadha of Ramadan fasting as summarized by Dream through various sources.

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is:

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Law of Not Paying Debts during Ramadan Fasting According to Hadith"

Someone who does not pay their debt of fasting in Ramadan according to the hadith is obliged to immediately pay it.

The main reason why someone should pay their debt of fasting in Ramadan is because fasting is one of the obligatory pillars of Islam that must be observed by Muslims. Its implementation time should also be done immediately after the end of Ramadan, it should not be postponed. The sanctions imposed on those who do not pay their debt of fasting in Ramadan is the obligation to pay fidyah. That is, providing food to those in need as a substitute for the missed fast.

The following text is already in English.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The risk for those who Delay Making Up Missed Fasts in Ramadan"

"For Muslims who are late in making up the missed fasting days of Ramadan due to breastfeeding or other factors, the consequence is that they still have the obligation to make up the missed fasting days."

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is:

According to the teachings of Islam, every healthy and mature Muslim is obligated to observe the fasting of Ramadan. However, for breastfeeding mothers who are unable to fast due to health reasons or the needs of their child, they are allowed to postpone their fasting until they finish breastfeeding. In addition to the obligation to make up for missed fasting, they also have the option to pay fidyah as a substitute for the missed fasting. Fidyah is a payment made as a substitute for each missed fast that cannot be observed.

The translated text is as follows, while preserving the HTML tags: "The amount of fidyah that must be paid is equivalent to the value of staple food for each missed fasting day. The allowed time to fulfill the obligation of making up missed fasts is before the arrival of the next Ramadan month. This provides enough time for breastfeeding mothers to postpone fasting until the breastfeeding period is over, as well as to make up for the missed fasts before the next Ramadan month arrives."

"Differences of Opinion among Scholars"

Regarding people who delay making up the missed fasts of Ramadan until the next Ramadan without any valid excuse, this has led to differences of opinion among scholars.

"The First Opinion"

This opinion states that it is obligatory for him/her to repent, then make up for the missed fasting days. Then, he/she must pay a fine or penalty by providing food to the poor as many days as he/she finally makes up for.

"Second Opinion"

The second opinion is that it is obligatory for him to repent and make up for the missed fasting days, without any penalty. Regarding this second opinion, there is no narration from the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that commands paying expiation. Therefore, when Sheikh Al-Albani was asked about the obligation of expiation for those who delay making up the missed fasting days of Ramadan, he answered: "

"There are those who argue so, but there is no marfu' hadith there that supports it."

"Intention and Procedures for Making Up Missed Fasts in Ramadan"

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Qadha fasting in Ramadan is to make up for the deficiencies in fasting that were performed in the previous month of Ramadan."

The intention must be sincere from the heart and sincere to replace the missed fast. Here is the intention to recite the qadha fast of Ramadan that friends of Dream can memorize: "I intend to make up for the fast of Ramadan tomorrow for the sake of Allah Ta'ala."

The procedure for replacing missed Ramadan fasting starts by determining the number of fasts that need to be replaced, which is equivalent to the number of missed fasting days. Then, on each designated day for replacing the fast, one should fast with full sincerity and obedience, and avoid all prohibitions that apply while fasting. After completing the qadha fast, it is recommended to give charity as a form of gratitude for successfully replacing the missed fasts.

By following the intention and procedures of qadha fasting in Ramadan, it is hoped that every Muslim can improve their missed fasting and receive blessings from Allah SWT.

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