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<b>7 Hewan yang Punya Kebiasaan Makan Anak Sendiri, Ternyata Alasannya Bermacam-Macam</b><br>

7 Animals that Have the Habit of Eating Their Own Offspring, Apparently the Reasons Vary

Apparently, there are animals that have a habit of eating their own offspring, here is the complete explanation.

Cannibalism is considered taboo and horrifying. However, some animal species have the habit of eating their own offspring. Cases of cannibalism can be found in several bird, mammal, and spider species. In fact, one out of three mammal species kills their own offspring. It is known that this is influenced by environmental conditions. Here are various animals that have the habit of eating their own offspring and the reasons, summarized from various sources, on Monday (17/06/2024).

<b>Hiu Macan Pasir: Memakan Anaknya Sebelum Lahir</b><br>

Shark Sand Tiger: Eating Its Young Before Birth

"Sand sharks have a habit of eating their offspring since they are still in the womb or precisely the fetus of the competing offspring struggling to survive."

7 Animals that Have the Habit of Eating Their Own Offspring, Apparently the Reasons Vary

Female of this species can be impregnated by several males at once, carrying many eggs but only having two wombs. As a result, many embryos eat each other until only two remain. This habit has an evolutionary purpose. Through regular mating, adult males do not compete fiercely for breeding, but cannibalism in the womb results in a smaller and stronger gene pool. The nutrition from this process also ensures that the sand tiger sharks born are stronger and capable of survival.

<b>Beruang Kutub: Kanibalisme Karena Perubahan Iklim</b><br>

"Polar Bears: Cannibalism Due to Climate Change"

"Polar bears usually eat their cubs in the spring and summer because the population of seals and ice they hunt becomes increasingly difficult to access."

7 Animals that Have the Habit of Eating Their Own Offspring, Apparently the Reasons Vary

Cannibalism usually involves larger male bears attacking vulnerable female bears and bear cubs. However, polar bear mothers at the Nuremberg Zoo also eat their hungry offspring after zookeepers try to reduce human contact with them.

Chicken: Cannibalism to Obtain Calcium

Chicken: Cannibalism to Obtain Calcium

Chicken eggs often break because the coop is too crowded, and the chickens can accidentally eat them.

7 Animals that Have the Habit of Eating Their Own Offspring, Apparently the Reasons Vary

This can make the chicken like eggs and share them. In addition, many animals eat their offspring because of calcium deficiency, which also makes the eggshell fragile.

<b>Singa: Kanibalisme untuk Dominasi Sosial</b><br>

Lion: Cannibalism for Social Dominance

The killing of lion cubs often occurs due to the lack of available breeding partners. The father drives away his offspring to avoid competition, and young lions often seek new pride to claim.

7 Animals that Have the Habit of Eating Their Own Offspring, Apparently the Reasons Vary

"Lions that acquire new pride typically kill offspring to eliminate competition and induce females to become receptive again. Sometimes, mothers also kill and eat their young after they die, to start afresh with new offspring. Usually, infanticide by males is more commonly observed."

<b>Anjing Prairie: Kanibalisme Pada Keponakannya</b><br>

"Dog Prairie: Cannibalism on its Nephew"

Usually, prairie dogs that engage in cannibalism are not the fathers or competing males who kill the offspring, but rather female family members of the mother who do it while the mother is away searching for food.

7 Animals that Have the Habit of Eating Their Own Offspring, Apparently the Reasons Vary

The reason for this brutal behavior varies. First, it provides more resources for the killer and also allows the grieving parent more time to raise their large family after a brief mourning period. There is also a hypothesis that this prevents siblings from doing the same thing. Despite their tendency to kill babies, grassland dogs are fascinating and highly endangered creatures that are important to their ecosystem.

Chimpanzees: Engaging in Cannibalism Due to Food Competition

Chimpanzees: Engaging in Cannibalism Due to Food Competition

"Simpanse is one of the most intelligent animals on this planet. However, they also tend to eat their offspring, especially during intergroup conflicts."

7 Animals that Have the Habit of Eating Their Own Offspring, Apparently the Reasons Vary

"To master food, chimpanzees will kill the offspring of opposing groups, divide the meat, and eat it in the trees. Males often steal newborn infants from their mothers, kill them, and consume the infants to increase their chances of breeding. Although rare, females are also seen killing unrelated infants."

Cannibalism is not common in the animal world, but it causes female chimpanzees to tend to hide during childbirth. Killing infants outside territorial disputes is considered a way for males to increase their reproductive opportunities, rather than reducing future competition.

Fish Blenny: Cannibalism Due to Boredom and Impatience

Fish Blenny: Cannibalism Due to Boredom and Impatience

Blenny is a fish that shares the responsibility of parenting between male and female. The female lays a large number of eggs and leaves them to be guarded by the male until they hatch.

7 Animals that Have the Habit of Eating Their Own Offspring, Apparently the Reasons Vary

However, if the number of eggs is not sufficient, male blennies sometimes eat their eggs out of boredom. Researchers initially thought this was due to nutritional value, but it turns out to be a biological necessity for more effective reproduction. The level of androgen in male blennies is related to the presence of eggs, and if the eggs are few, they will eat or discard them to mate again quickly. This usually happens if the number of eggs is less than a thousand, and often the male blenny has already found a new partner the next day.

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