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8 Animals with Stink Weapons for Self-Defense

8 Animals with Stink Weapons for Self-Defense

Some animals emit a strong aroma from their bodies. This sharp aroma sometimes serves as a self-defense mechanism.

Not only humans and plants, but also some animals emit specific aromas, which can be unpleasant or rotten. In certain situations, this unpleasant aroma serves as a self-defense mechanism for some animals when they feel threatened. These animals emit the unpleasant aroma to deter certain predators or even to mark their territory. Quoted from A-Z Animals Thursday (14/03), here are some animals that can produce unpleasant aromas.

<b>Skunks atau Sigung</b>

"Skunks or Sigung"

Sigung uses an unpleasant smell produced by its body as a form of self-defense.

Sigung is a type of animal that moves slowly and has claws designed for digging, not for defending itself. This indicates that the only way for a sigung to actually survive is through the unpleasant odor produced by its body. The source of the unpleasant odor in sigung is located in its anal gland. This gland secretes an oily fluid that has a very sharp aroma.

<span class=Stink Badger" loading="lazy">

Stink Badger

Stink badgers or stinky mongoose have the same appearance as musk and produce unpleasant-smelling liquid as a defense mechanism.

Although this mangut-mangut is similar to a musang, they belong to the Mephitidae family which is also inhabited by sigung-sigung. Mangut-mangut with a foul smell can release liquid from glands in their anal region. They are capable of spraying unpleasant-smelling yellow oil up to a distance of 3 feet.

<b>Green Wood Hoopoe</b><br>

"Green Wood Hoopoe"

Green wood hoopoe ©">

Green wood hoopoe, although small and seemingly helpless, has its own strategy to face threats. When it feels threatened, this bird releases a liquid with a foul odor from glands at the top of its tail. This action is useful for them as a form of self-protection when their parents are not near the nest.

"Striped Polecat"

Often there is confusion in identifying the striped polecat as a civet due to its distinctive black and white striped pattern. However, it should be noted that the polecat is part of the Mustelidae family, which also includes martens, weasel species, badgers, and otters. The strong aroma from their spray can temporarily blind opponents. In addition, it also causes a burning sensation in the eyes and mucous membranes.

Millipede or Thousand Legs

Millipede or Thousand Legs

When a millipede feels threatened, it will curl up and become immobile. They release a toxic chemical that smells similar to cyanide from the ozopores glands located on their sides. Besides having an unpleasant odor, the secretion also feels repulsive. Millipedes do not have the ability to bite or sting, so these chemicals, including hydrochloric acid, hydrogen cyanide, and other caustic compounds, are their main defense mechanism.

<b>Weasel atau Musang</b><br>

"Weasel or Musang"

One more member of the Mustelidae family, the musang also relies on a foul-smelling liquid from its anal glands to repel predators. They are able to spray up to two tablespoons of thick, yellow, and oily liquid simultaneously. Unlike the civet, musang does not have the ability to control the direction of its spray. They use this unpleasant odor as a territorial mark.

"Bombardier Beetle"

More than 500 types fall into the category of ground beetles, which have the ability to spray toxic and dangerous chemicals from their abdomen when they are in a threatened condition.

When feeling threatened, the chemical substance is mixed with enzymes in a sac. This will produce caustic fluid that can be released at speeds of up to 22 miles per hour. This secretion causes irritation to the respiratory system and eyes of the predator.

<b>Walang Sangit atau Grasshopper</b><br>

No Stench or Grasshopper

Walang sangit is one of the types of insects that inhabit leaf habitats. They search for nutrients in their environment where they reside. Walang sangit shows the capability to emit a strong aroma as a self-defense strategy against threats. This scent is the main shield that walang sangit possesses to ensure its survival.

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