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Add Serum to Skincare Routine, Keep Skin Hydrated During Fasting
Add Serum to Skincare Routine, Keep Skin Hydrated During Fasting Illustration. (Source; Shutterstock)

Dream - Everyone needs intensive care to maintain the health and appearance of facial skin. Intensive care does not require many skincare products.

Basically, skincare only includes facial cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. You can add serum to optimize skincare and nourish the skin.

Especially during Ramadan fasting. Many people experience dry skin because it is not well-hydrated from the inside. Because we are not allowed to drink all day.

To prevent this, try using additional serum. Serum can help hydrate the skin to the maximum.

Using Serum

Follow the skincare steps recommended by Dermatologist, Chris Tomassian, to keep your skin clean, bright, healthy, and free from premature aging.

Skincare in the Morning

Cleansing the Face

Cleansing the Face

Photo: Shutterstock

Cleanse the face with a cleanser or lukewarm water. Some people prefer to cleanse their face with water for practicality, especially if the skin does not feel dirty.

Choose a facial cleanser according to your skin's needs to maximize skincare and skin cleansing.

Using Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin C serum can be used on dry skin to maximize sun protection and prevent dullness.

Using Serum

Using Moisturizer

Apply moisturizer evenly on the entire face to maintain skin moisture balance. Use a lightweight moisturizer if your skin is oily. Conversely, use a more 'heavy' textured moisturizer if your skin is dry.

Using Sunscreen

Using Sunscreen

Photo: Shutterstock

Apply sunscreen regularly every 2-4 hours from morning to afternoon, even when indoors. Use sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30.

Usually, sunscreen is recommended to be applied as much as 2 finger lengths, but you can adjust the amount according to your comfort when reapplying every few hours.

Skincare at Night

Cleansing the Face

Cleanse the face after a day's activities with the same cleanser. Don't forget to do double cleansing with micellar water or cleansing balm if wearing makeup.

Using Retinol

Using Serum

Photo: Shutterstock

Replace vitamin C serum with retinol or retinoid serum at night, 2-3 nights per week, to delay the aging process, refine skin texture, and reduce acne.

Using Moisturizer

Finish with a more 'heavy' textured moisturizer to increase moisture, especially after using retinol serum. Usually, the skin will feel drier after using the serum.

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