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Bright and Fresh Skin During Ramadan, Rely on Face Oil
Bright and Fresh Skin During Ramadan, Rely on Face Oil Illustration. (Source: Shutterstock)

Dream - The lack of fluids consumed during fasting can cause dry and dehydrated skin. Dream Friends need to maximize skin care to maintain skin moisture.

This not only applies to dry skin, oily faces also need to use extra moisturizers to prevent excessive oil production due to dehydration.

Maintaining skin moisture and preventing dehydration is not only done by using moisturizers. Here are some ways to take care of your skin while fasting according to Beauty Expert, Manal El Hage as quoted from Vogue.

Gently Exfoliating the Skin

Cleansing the Face

Photo: Shutterstock

Use a cleanser that contains glycolic acid to remove dead skin cells and maximize cleansing if your face is dry. For oily faces, it is recommended to use a cleanser that contains salicylic acid to keep the skin glowing, healthy, and bright.

Adjusting Moisturizer Formulas

Choose moisturizers and skincare products with light textures that are easily absorbed into the skin if you have oily skin. This will make your skin breathe and calm down more easily.

Meanwhile, for dry skin, it is recommended to use moisturizers and skincare products with a 'thicker' or 'heavier' formula to maintain and lock in facial moisture.

Using Face Oil

Apply face oil before bedtime to maintain skin moisture, especially if your face starts to feel dry or tight. Dream Friends can use almond or avocado oil as an option to maintain skin moisture while sleeping in an air-conditioned room.

Using Sunscreen

Using Sunscreen

Photo: Shutterstock

The sun can damage collagen and elastin production in the skin. Hage suggests using sunscreen to protect the skin from UV exposure.

“The use of sunscreen can prevent pigmentation and sun damage,” says Hage. Choose a non-comedogenic sunscreen to prevent the appearance of blackheads or acne.

Drink Plenty of Water During Suhoor and Iftar

Maintain skin hydration while fasting by drinking plenty of water. Using skincare products that contain hyaluronic acid or ceramides can indeed maintain skin moisture and health, but Dream Friends still need to drink enough water to optimize product usage.

Consume Healthy and Nutritious Foods

The food and drinks you consume greatly affect the health of your skin. Avoid oily, fast food, and high-sugar foods as they can cause acne and dullness.

Consume protein-rich foods, fresh vegetables, and nuts in sufficient quantities as iftar and suhoor menus to maintain healthy skin and have more energy.

Report: Devi Tri Aprilianza

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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