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Properly Storing Skincare to Maintain its Active Ingredients
Properly Storing Skincare to Maintain its Active Ingredients Using Skincare. (Source: Shutterstock)

Dream - The ingredients in skincare are not only included in skincare according to their benefits, but also their percentage and stability when mixed with other ingredients. The stability of skincare ingredients greatly affects the effectiveness of skin care. That's why some skincare ingredients are not recommended to be used together because they can reduce the benefits of their use.

The skincare manufacturing process is not the only thing that can disrupt the stability of ingredients in skincare products. The way skincare is stored also greatly affects the stability of certain types of ingredients and products.

Dermatologist, Claudia Christin, revealed that the stability of skincare ingredients depends on the storage method and packaging type.

"If the packaging is clear and can be exposed to light, there is a possibility that its stability will decrease if it is placed in an area exposed to sunlight or high temperatures," said Dr. Claudia, when met in Jakarta.



Photo: Shutterstock

Skincare with closed packaging, stored according to product instructions, and placed in a dry and non-exposed area will maintain the stability of its ingredients.

Claudia suggests being more careful when storing skincare products that contain pure vitamin C or pure L-ascorbic acid as they can easily change color to black when exposed to sunlight and stored in hot areas.

Meanwhile, other types of skincare products sold in the market can be stored at room temperature. Don't forget to pay attention to the expiration date and the period of use of skincare after the packaging is opened to ensure its safe use for the skin.

Ideal Percentage of Skincare Ingredients for Maximum Smooth Skin

Dream - More and more people are choosing skincare based on active ingredients or their contents. The sought-after active ingredients are tailored to the needs of each individual's skin.

For example, those who want to maintain a youthful appearance will choose skincare with retinol to prevent signs of aging. It should be noted that not everyone can freely choose the ingredients they want to use to achieve a certain appearance.

This is because active ingredients in skincare can also cause irritation. You need to pay attention to the concentration or percentage of active ingredients in skincare to control the amount of ingredients to avoid easy irritation.

Each skincare ingredient has an ideal percentage. Based on the statement of Aesthetic Doctor Abelina, generally, niacinamide has a concentration of around 2.5-5 percent in skincare products.

Soft Launching Fav Beauty

Photo: Fav Beauty

"According to research, usually niacinamide is around 2.5-5 percent. That is sufficient to control sebum production. But for brightening, the effective percentage is 5-10 percent," she said during the Soft Launching of Fav Beauty in Amy & Cake Bintaro, South Tangerang, on Thursday, February 23, 2023.

Using Skincare

Photo: Shutterstock

Similar to niacinamide, BHA ideally has a percentage of 2.5-5 percent. Meanwhile, vitamin C has a percentage of 10-20 percent.

"There are many types of vitamin C, there is ascorbic acid, many types of vitamin C, you need to read them yourself first," she said.

She also revealed that the ideal percentage of glycolic acid is 10 percent to be used daily. This percentage should be adjusted to the tolerance and needs of each individual's skin.

"Everyone's skin tolerance is different. Try using the lowest percentage first. Don't overexfoliate. If positive effects appear from its use, then increase the percentage," said Dr. Abel.

According to her, dry and sensitive skin is more suitable with low percentage of active ingredients to avoid easy irritation. Meanwhile, oily skin tends to be more 'resistant' to higher percentage of active ingredients.

"Usually, dry skin is often accompanied by sensitivity. A low percentage is usually sufficient. But for oily skin, the skin is thicker, has more collagen reserves, and is more resistant to active ingredients," she explained.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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