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Men Also Need Skin Care, Check Out the Basic Steps
Men Also Need Skin Care, Check Out the Basic Steps Men's Skin/ Photo: Shutterstock

Dream - Many men are not paying enough attention to the health of their facial skin. The reasons vary, even though sunlight, dust, and pollution affect facial skin regardless of someone's gender.

If left untreated, it will cause many problems for the skin, ranging from dull, acne-prone skin to dark spots. Therefore, regular skin care is also important for men.

Ferdike Yunuri Nadya/ Dream

Ferdike Yunuri Nadya/ Dream

"Air pollution and the heat of the sun can make the skin unhealthy and dull. Skin protection is not only done by women but it's time for men to prioritize facial skin health as well. Especially since men are more active outdoors, making them more vulnerable to pollution and sunlight," said Abdurrahman Robbani, Brand General Manager of Roughneck, in a written statement received by Dream.

Before it's too late to address various skin problems, it's better to prevent them by taking care of the skin with basic care. Do this skin care routine every day.


Cleansing the Face

The main thing is a facial cleanser to remove sebum and dirt from the skin on a daily basis. Every man has different facial skin conditions, so choose the right facial soap according to your needs.

When washing your face, don't rush to rinse it off, try to be patient and gently massage your face so that the soap can effectively remove dirt.

Doc Roughneck

For men's skin, choose a facewash with various active ingredients that are claimed to help treat acne-prone skin and reduce excess oil on the face. Such as salicylic Acid which has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation when the facial skin is irritated or experiencing a breakout. 

You can also look for products that contain Mugwort extract and Berry Acne Care which can soothe the skin and treat acne-prone skin, like in the Roughneck Daily Facial Wash Acne Fight product.

Moisturizer and Sunscreen

Next, use a moisturizer and sunscreen, especially for men who are active outdoors. Choose products that are claimed to be lightweight, non-greasy, and comfortable to use daily, like Roughneck Daily Sun-Moisturizer Front Guard Protection, a 2in1 face moisturizer and sunscreen.

These sunscreen and moisturizer can protect the skin from the negative effects of excessive exposure to UVA and UVB rays. And there are Ectoin content that can protect the face from pollution and Ceramide Care Complex to maintain the skin's barrier.

DIY Green Tea Mask, Can Help Improve Facial Pores

Dream - Dream friends must have heard about the health benefits of kaolin, right? This ingredient can absorb excess sebum that can cause acne. 

Currently, sheet masks are trending, but actually masks made of kaolin or clay are also important to use regularly. Kaolin masks for the face can also remove dirt, soothe redness, and maintain moisture.

Kaolin has a neutral pH and is considered the gentlest clay suitable for dry, sensitive, and acne-prone skin types. Kaolin combined with green tea can make the skin cleaner and solve various problems caused by dirt.

Dream friends can make their own mask at home using kaolin and green tea. Let's see how to make it.

How to Make:


  1. Brew 1 cup of green tea and let it cool
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of kaolin powder to a plastic bowl or small glass and slowly mix it with the green tea
  3. Stir and cool until it forms a thin paste consistency
  4. Using a brush or fingers, apply a layer of kaolin mask to the skin and leave it on for five to 10 minutes, or until completely dry
  5. Rinse gently with warm water, avoid rubbing the skin too hard
  6. Next, after cleansing the skin with the mask, immediately apply moisturizer, Dream friends


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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