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Dear PNS, Tak Netral Saat Pemilu 2024 Bisa Kena Sanksi Pidana

Dear PNS, Not Being Neutral During the 2024 Election Can Be Subject to Criminal Sanctions.

Dream - Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB), Abdullah Azwar Anas, once again reminded Civil Servants (ASN) or State Civil Servants (PNS) to maintain neutrality in the lead-up to the 2024 General Election. "I think the issue of ASN neutrality is already final. ASN must be neutral," said Anas quoted from, Thursday, December 14, 2023.


Anas explained, civil servants who violate can be subject to administrative sanctions, up to the most severe criminal sanctions.

"For those who violate, there are various levels of sanctions. Starting from administrative sanctions to the most severe sanction, which is criminal. I think it's clear. Clear ASN must be neutral,"
"Press it."


Anas said that his party has collaborated with the Prosecutor's Office, the Police, the General Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu), the General Election Commission (KPU), the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN), and the National Police to impose sanctions on civil servants who violate regulations. Reports of violations will be handled by the KSN and will be reviewed and given to the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN-RB).

Dear PNS, Tak Netral Saat Pemilu 2024 Bisa Kena Sanksi Pidana

"The report will be handled by KSN, then given to us, later we will check," concluded Anas."

"Prohibited Actions for Civil Servants during the 2024 Elections"

"To maintain the neutrality of civil servants in the General Elections (Pemilu) 2024, the government prohibits state employees from posing with certain styles, such as forming heart symbols ala South Korea."


There are 10 types of photo poses that civil servants are prohibited from doing during the upcoming 2024 election, including: 1. Posing with a heart symbol (saranghaeyo) like the South Korean style. 2. Posing with thumbs up. 3. Posing with three fingers. 4. Posing with the metal sign.

5. Photo style with thumb and index finger on the chin forming a gun. 6. Photo style with lifting the index finger. 7. Photo style with lifting two fingers like the number two. 8. Photo style with forming a telephone. 9. Photo style with showing five fingers or the number five. 10. Photo style with forming the okay sign with three fingers.

However, there is an allowed photo style, which is the fist style photo. Previously, Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, Abdullah Azwar Anas, also stated that civil servants are prohibited from liking and commenting on presidential and vice presidential candidate's social media accounts. "Civil servants are advised not to interact with presidential and vice presidential candidates on social media, including giving likes and comments on their posts. They are also not allowed to share stickers on WhatsApp," he said as quoted from, Friday, November 17, 2023.

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