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Cuan Courier Service Package Sender Every Harbolnas Period

Cuan Courier Service Package Sender Every Harbolnas Period

Cuan Jasa Kurir Pengirim Paket Tiap Periode Harbolnas

Dream - The phenomenon of Harbolnas (National Online Shopping Day) has just passed. This annual event has caused a great explosion in online shopping activities due to various promotions and discounts offered.

The logistics service company Ninja Xpress recorded a 20 percent increase in package delivery during the Harbolnas period, from 10.10 to 11.11 in 2023.

Cuan Jasa Kurir Pengirim Paket Tiap Periode Harbolnas

"Terjadi Setiap Musim" translates to "Occurs Every Season" in English.

Head of Republic Relation Ninja Xpress, Ribka Pratiwi said, the harbolnas trend always emerges every season, namely 10.10, 11.11, and 12.12, since the first time ninja Xpress was introduced.

"Apparently, this not only happens in 2023, but also in previous years. Surely from 10.10, it goes up to 11.11, and then goes up again to 12.12, although we cannot provide the exact increase for 12.12 yet, because the delivery just happened today."

He said in the Media Gathering Wrap Up 2023 and Projection 2024 Ninja Xpress event in Jakarta, December 13, 2023.


Ribka said, more than 90% of the packages sent are small-sized items (maximum 20x11x7cm). The categories are mostly cosmetics and fashion accessories such as clothes, watches, glasses, and shoes. She conveyed that the delivery of these items is dominated in 3 locations, namely Tanggerang, Bogor, and Bekasi.

"\u201cMeanwhile, West Java, East Java, and Banten are the most frequently chosen delivery destinations,\u201d"

"ungkapnya" translates to "he/she expressed."

“Sementara itu, Jawa barat, Jawa timur, dan Banten menjadi daerah tujuan pengiriman paling banyak,”

The increase in the number of shipments is due to the presence of discount events in several stores and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who also enliven this Harbolnas trend. In addition, according to Ninja Xpress records in 2022, 74% of the Indonesian population are internet users, and 86% of them are e-shoppers or users of e-commerce products. Ribka said that there are several small groups that contribute 14% of the online shopping population in Indonesia, their contribution is quite significant, around 43% of total e-commerce purchases, they are called e-shoppaholics.

Seeing the enthusiasm and challenges, Ninja Xpress not only focuses on driving the development of SME business but also exploring business opportunities and collaborating with companies.

Cuan Jasa Kurir Pengirim Paket Tiap Periode Harbolnas

Helping the Development of MSMEs

One of them, Ninja Xpress will once again present end-of-year facilities and throughout 2024. Among them are collaboration support services with Livechamp & Sellercraft, as well as the Acceleration program to encourage the development of MSMEs in Indonesia. (Report: M Bintang Alfan Nur Fauzi)

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