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Ulama Berbeda Pendapat Soal Hukum Dropship, Ini Pandangan dari 4 Mazhab

Ulama Have Different Opinions on the Law of Dropshipping, Here's the View from 4 Mazhabs

Dream - Along with the progress of time, the way of doing business also develops. The buying and selling system that used to only happen physically can now be done online. Sahabat Dream doesn't need to bother going to the store to order desired goods or food. Just hold your phone, open the application, and you can choose something you want. In a relatively short time, the ordered goods will be delivered directly to your doorstep by a courier. The online buying and selling system that is done by most people is also growing. All conveniences are created to satisfy buyers without reducing the seller's profit.

The current popular sales system is dropshipping. This pattern is widely applied by online store owners who sell their products only by relying on mobile phones and social media. However, the development of the times must certainly proceed without violating Islamic principles in conducting business as a dropshipper. What is the Islamic law regarding dropshipping? Without further ado, let's take a look at the following complete explanation.

What is Dropship System?

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Dropship system or dropshipping is a supply chain management technique carried out by resellers or retailers without the need to stock goods. Orders will be shipped by the manufacturer to customers who purchase through dropshipping."

Apa itu Sistem Dropship?

The profit obtained by the seller is obtained from the price difference between wholesale and retail prices. But there are also retailers or resellers who receive their commission through agreements from sales paid directly by the manufacturer to the reseller. This dropship system is currently popular, especially among online business people. Usually, these sellers already have an online store and the items are sold through a catalog. Buyer transactions are done online.

After going through online agreement, the money will be transferred and the manufacturer will send the ordered goods to the buyer. This dropshipping system makes it easier for resellers because they don't need to have stock of goods on their premises. The items being sold are located with the supplier or manufacturer.

Different Opinions of Scholars Regarding the Law of Dropshipping, This is the View from 4 Mazhabs

"What is the Law of Dropshipping in Islam?"

After knowing what a dropshipping system is, now it's time to understand the Islamic law regarding dropshipping. Is this dropshipping system in accordance with Islamic principles or not? This knowledge is important to be understood because the income obtained is either halal or haram. Quoting from NU Online, the dropshipping system still raises differences of opinion among scholars. Before knowing the Islamic law regarding dropshipping, the dropshipping buying and selling system will be explained first, which is divided into two.

1. Dropshipping with Unauthorized Products from Suppliers

"To dropship with goods that do not have permission from the supplier, the seller will create their own account. Within that account, the items being sold and offered are displayed, but the items are still in the original merchant's possession. In this case, the seller only helps to find the goods without any agreement for compensation with the first seller."


Regarding this dropship system, the scholars have decided that it is forbidden. However, according to the Hanafi school of thought, it is still allowed as long as the dropshipper knows the general characteristics of the goods. In addition to the Hanafi school, some followers of the Shafi'i school also still allow this buying and selling system. The condition is that the goods being sold can be easily recognized and their distinctive features are not easily changed.

The thing that weakens the dropship law in this Islamic system is the issue of permission that dropshippers do not obtain from suppliers. Meanwhile, Sheikh Wahbah Zuhaily from the Malikiyyah school allows this system with his explanation conveyed in Al-Fiqhu al-Islam wa Adillatuhu: "Brokerage sales are permissible. And the fee taken by the broker (dropshipper) is halal because it is obtained due to reasonable effort and hard work."

2. Dropship with Goods that Already Have Permission from the Supplier

The second system is dropshipping with products that already have permission from the supplier. It means that the dropshipper requests permission from the supplier to sell their products. Therefore, the merchant's position is as someone who has the authority to sell the products, and their position is the same as a reseller. However, the products being sold are not yet available with the seller.


The person who has permission to sell the goods is part of bai'u ainin ghaibah maushufatin bi al-yad, which is the buying and selling of goods that are not yet in place but can know the characteristics and nature of the goods. In this dropship system, according to the Shafi'i school of thought, the ruling of dropship in Islam is permissible.

Although it is allowed by law, there are conditions that have been established. Where the item being sold must have been known by the buyer, recognizable, and its model should not easily change. Then, the agreement made in this dropship system is by using the salam agreement or through a ordering system that is permissible in Islam. This is the important understanding of the dropship law in Islam. Therefore, you can conduct business using this system according to the conditions that have been set in the Islamic sales agreement.

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