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"Don't Panic, Here's How to Return Money from a Wrong Transfer"

Dream - Transferring money through a bank is now made easier in various ways. Not only at branch offices, but also through ATMs or mobile banking. However, we must pay close attention to the destination account number to avoid making a wrong transfer. A wrong transfer can happen due to negligence in entering the account number. But don't worry, there are several ways to retrieve your mistakenly transferred money. Take a look at the following steps:

1. Stay calm

1. Stay calm

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "The first thing you need to do is remain calm so that you can think clearly and take rational steps even though you just made a wrong transfer."

2. Immediately contact the bank

According to the Glints website, the next step is to contact the bank as soon as possible, through their official customer service number or call center. Alternatively, you can go directly to the nearest branch office of the bank.

2. Segera hubungi pihak bank

3. Explain in detail the incident of the wrong transfer.

"Next, you must explain the incident of your wrong transfer in as much detail as possible to the customer service of the bank. Such as mentioning that it was due to incorrectly entering the account number or not double-checking before the transaction. Don't forget to also explain the amount of money that was wrongly transferred and the location of the incident."


4. Prepare your identity and proof of wrong transfer.

The bank, of course, will not believe it right away. To convince them, make sure to prepare your identification and proof of your mistaken transfer. The identification that you should bring includes your ID card, ATM card, and your own passbook. Don't forget to also attach proof of the incorrect transfer, either directly or in the form of a photo. Not only that, the bank may also ask you to create a stamped chronological letter explaining the incident of your mistaken transfer.

5. Bank akan melakukan proses verifikasi

5. The bank will perform the verification process.

The bank will verify your documents and reports. If the bank feels that they are complete, they will take further action and contact you.

6. The bank contacts the account owner who received the wrong transfer of money.

After the bank successfully verifies your report, they will contact the account owner who received the wrongly transferred money. Here, the account owner of the wrongly transferred money will receive the evidence of the mistake that you have previously included. If the account owner is willing to return your money, they will receive the evidence of the wrong transfer that enters their account.

"If the account owner refuses to return your money, there is no need to worry. Because, according to Law Number 3 of 2011, it is stated that they will be subject to criminal sanctions, including a maximum prison sentence of 5 years and a fine of up to Rp5 billion. You can also sue them in court."

Don't Panic, This is How to Get Back Money from Wrong Transfer
7. The bank returns your money

7. The bank returns your money

After the recipient returns your money, the bank will send it directly to your account. Usually, this process takes 2 weeks (14 working days) or more. The duration of the refund transfer is also adjusted to each bank's SOP.

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