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Wife Requests Compensation of Rp4.6 Billion for Each Childbirth, Plus Hermes Diaper Bag According to Gender

Wife Requests Compensation of Rp4.6 Billion for Each Childbirth, Plus Hermes Diaper Bag According to Gender

Dream - A wife in Dubai has a bizarre request every time her husband wants a child. The woman creates a list of demands that her husband must fulfill if she is declared pregnant. She wants her husband to provide an allowance worth US$300,000 or around Rp4.6 billion per child. According to Daily Mail, the woman's name is Soudi Al Nadak and she is from Sussex, England. She has been married for three years to a millionaire from Dubai, Jamal Al Nadak.

"Allowance for Every Pregnancy"

Soudi shares her luxurious life on TikTok @soudiofarabia. In her latest video, Soudi hopes to receive pocket money from her husband every time she is pregnant.

Tunjangan Setiap Hamil

"I explained to Jamal, this amount is per baby, so for one baby it is 300 US dollars and for two babies it is 600 US dollars, and so on," he said on TiTok @soudiofarabia. "This will cover all my therapy sessions, physiotherapy, personal training, acupuncture, and baby massage," he continued.

Istri Minta Kompensasi Rp4,6 Miliar Setiap Melahirkan 1 Anak, Plus Tas Popok Hermes Sesuai Jenis Kelamin

Soudi realizes that his demand will shock many people. However, he remains unaffected and will maintain the request. He is also determined not to subject his body to the challenge of giving birth without receiving proper compensation. "I think after everything I have done to my body, it is fair for me and our baby," he said.

Not only that, she asked her husband to buy a blue Hermes Birkin diaper bag for boys and a pink one for girls. "He also has to buy me a new car to match the maternal atmosphere," she added. Another non-negotiable request is her desire to no longer have to work.

Istri Minta Kompensasi Rp4,6 Miliar Setiap Melahirkan 1 Anak, Plus Tas Popok Hermes Sesuai Jenis Kelamin

Regarding other requests, her husband must increase the number of staff at home, as well as hiring baby specialists and night nurses to help her take care of the child. "I will definitely need more baby specialists and night nurses. I will need extra assistance," said Soudi.

Istri Minta Kompensasi Rp4,6 Miliar Setiap Melahirkan 1 Anak, Plus Tas Popok Hermes Sesuai Jenis Kelamin

"Soudi also expects many guests when her baby is born. Around 1,000 or 2,000 people are estimated to come and congratulate the expectant mother. It has been a tradition for the Jamal family to visit the newborn on the first or second day, so I have explained to her that I will only use the VIP room," she said."

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