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6 Steps of Social Media Detox that Must be Tried to Improve Productivity!

Have you ever experienced how enjoyable it is to scroll through social media without realizing that you have spent hours? Being 'trapped' in the digital world can make you lose track of time. Meanwhile, there may be other things that need to be done or deadlines for tasks that need to be completed. This is a real depiction of how social media can make you unproductive, Dream Friend. Playing too much on social media can also have other negative effects, such as difficulty sleeping, feelings of envy, time management issues, and physical health problems.

"To avoid these negative impacts, you need to do a social media detox. Social media detox is an effort to limit access to various social networking sites or applications, either temporarily or permanently. This detox is very beneficial, especially for those who have a lot of activities. The benefits include ensuring mental and physical health, avoiding boredom, preventing stress, and of course, increasing productivity. If you want to experience these benefits and don't want social media to interfere with productivity, here are 6 steps for social media detox to increase productivity as reported by the Pickcard and Calm websites:"

1. Decide the Cycle

You have a habit of immediately looking for your cellphone and playing social media after waking up? This needs to be stopped because starting the day with positive habits is very important for increasing productivity. Try to redirect your morning routine with more beneficial activities, such as taking a morning shower, preparing a healthy breakfast, or exercising. So start the day with positive things so that your productivity can significantly increase.

2. Reduce Playing Gradually

2. Reduce Playing Gradually

Limiting excessive use of social media does need to be done gradually. Try to divide your time playing social media wisely. For example, today, set a limit of only 4 hours for playing social media and divide that time into short sessions after you finish your work.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The next day, reduce it further to 3 hours a day to play on social media. By gradually imposing limitations, it will be easier to adapt and reduce dependence on social media. Step by step, you can redirect the available time to more productive and beneficial activities."

3. More Offline Activities

3. More Offline Activities

Don't let yourself depend on online activities, try to go out and find activities that can develop your skills without having to be related to social media. You can do activities such as reading books, painting, or playing music.

Activities like this can have a positive impact on you, such as making new friends, gaining new insights, discovering new hobbies, and encountering interesting things that you haven't encountered before. Certainly, these things will greatly help you become more productive.

4. Find Hobbies

4. Find Hobbies

Find a hobby so that the desire to play social media is eradicated. You can find a hobby with activities that you like the most. Try to choose a hobby that is not related to social media, such as playing basketball, cycling, going for a walk, and so on.

Example, you choose a hobby of playing basketball, then indirectly this activity will make your body more fit and add energy when doing activities. So try to choose a hobby that can help someone become more productive. In this way, you will get used to not playing social media so that productivity increases.

5. Change Mindset

Change your mindset so that you are not too fixated on social media. Redirect your thoughts to more productive activities, such as tidying up your room or preparing meals after finishing work. By thinking about other beneficial activities, it will be easier to reduce the tendency to excessively engage in social media.

6. Do Together with Friends

6. Do Together with Friends

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The process of social media detox can be easier if you do it with friends who have similar goals. Going through detox together will help each other maintain commitment and share experiences."

This can also have a positive impact on your friendships, such as strengthening them, being more productive, getting to know each other better, and so on. To do this social media detox, you can engage in various activities with your friends, such as exercising, camping, going on a trip to tourist attractions, reading books, learning new skills, or doing hobbies together.

With that, you and your friends will continue to be motivated to complete the detox until the end and achieve better results. Supporting and reminding each other will make the detox journey feel easier and more enjoyable. Those are some steps that can be taken to do a social media detox in order to improve productivity. Remember, this process may not be easy at first, but with strong commitment and self-discipline, you will feel its benefits. So, dare to take the first step and enjoy the positive changes that can be felt. Author: Zahra Utami Putri.

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