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7 Gejala Kencing Manis yang Jarang Disadari, Salah Satunya adalah Kesemutan<br>

"7 Symptoms of Diabetes that are Rarely Realized, One of Which is Numbness"

Sweet urine or diabetes is one of the diseases that must be watched out for. Because diabetes can affect all age groups, from teenagers to the elderly. If left untreated, diabetes can cause serious complications such as blindness and amputation of the foot. Therefore, we need to prevent diabetes by educating ourselves about the symptoms that arise as a result of this sweet urine.

The symptoms of diabetes are often overlooked by many people, you know. What are the symptoms? As reported by Healthline, here is the complete review.

© 2023


"Gatal-gatal" translates to "Itchy" in English.

The increase in blood sugar and diabetes will damage nerve fibers throughout the body. The damage can occur anywhere, including the nerves in the hands and feet. The nerve damage will trigger itching. In addition, an increase in blood sugar levels can also dry out the skin, causing it to peel and itch.

"Mild Headache"

The high level of blood glucose triggers the intensity of urination, which will cause dehydration. Low fluid levels in the body will affect brain function and cause headaches. Many people are barely aware that headaches are one of the signs of having diabetes.

© 2023


"Recurrent Infection"

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Increase in blood sugar levels will hinder the movement of white blood cells, thus reducing their ability to fight infections. Therefore, diabetes patients will experience recurring infections that attack the skin and bladder."

"Blurred Vision"

The excess of sugar levels in the blood will damage the small blood vessels in the eyes, causing blurry or less clear vision. Patients will have difficulty reading writings from a distance and objects around them will appear blurry.

© 2023


"Hearing Impairment"

High blood sugar in the long term will damage small blood vessels and inner ear nerves, thus inhibiting the inner ear from sending nerve signals to the brain, causing individuals with diabetes to have hearing impairments.

"Breath Smells Like Fruit"

Although not eating fruit, diabetes sufferers will experience symptoms such as breath that smells like fruit due to high blood sugar levels. This condition is called diabetic ketoacidosis where the body cannot use insulin to produce energy. As a result, the body will break down fat cells. This process of breaking down fat cells will produce acid known as ketones. This is what triggers the fruity breath.

"Tingling and Numbness"

High and chronic blood sugar levels can damage the nerves in the hands and feet of diabetes sufferers, thus triggering diabetic peripheral neuropathy or tingling and numbness. Tingling and numbness symptoms are often overlooked, but it turns out that these are one of the signs and symptoms of diabetes.

Remember to always adopt a healthy lifestyle and eating pattern to prevent diabetes. And always be vigilant if any symptoms arise, yes.

Author: Rizky Ramadhan

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