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Habis 'Pesta' Daging, Coba Racik Jamu Rimpang yang Bisa Bantu Turunkan Level Kolesterol

After the 'Meat Feast', Try Mixing Herbal Medicine that Can Help Lower Cholesterol Levels.

After the 'Meat Feast', Try Mixing Herbal Medicine that Can Help Lower Cholesterol Levels

Dream - Traditional Indonesian jamu is usually made from various medicinal plant rhizomes, such as ginger, turmeric, aromatic ginger, Javanese ginger, galangal, and fingerroot. These plant rhizomes contain antioxidants and compounds that are very beneficial to health.

After the 'Meat Feast', Try Mixing Herbal Medicine that Can Help Lower Cholesterol Levels

The use of rhizome has been proven effective in lowering levels of uric acid and bad cholesterol, as well as helping to overcome various other health problems. Just follow the steps below to make it.


"Jamu Kunyit Asem Sirih"

Ingredients:750 ml water5 betel leaves5 turmeric roots5-6 tamarind seeds1 ginger root1 lemon\/lime fruitA pinch of saltSufficient amount of palm sugar

How to Make: Clean all ingredients, grate turmeric and ginger. Boil water. Add turmeric, ginger, tamarind, and betel leaves to the boiling water. Simmer until a fragrant aroma is detected. Add brown sugar and a little salt, stir until the sugar dissolves. Remove the water after boiling, strain it into another container. Let it cool slightly. Mix in the juice of a few limes, stir well. Serve in glasses or store in the refrigerator. Turmeric tamarind betel drink is ready to be enjoyed or can be served chilled.


Jamu Temulawak Kunyit Jahe

Ingredients: 100 grams of temulawak, 50 grams of turmeric, 50 grams of emprit ginger, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 liter of water.

How to Make: Wash temulawak, turmeric, and ginger emprit using water until clean. Next, thinly slice the ingredients. Put all the sliced ingredients into a pot filled with water and heat until boiling. After the water evaporates, turn off the heat. Strain the herbal drink and enjoy it while still warm.

After the 'Meat Feast', Try Mixing Herbal Medicine that Can Help Lower Cholesterol Levels

Jamu Ginger Curcuma Lemongrass

Ingredients: 10 cm ginger 10 cm kencur 2 stalks lemongrass 1 cinnamon stick Sufficient water

How to Make: Grill the ginger and lesser galangal first, then peel and grind until flat, then cut into thin slices. Put the ginger, lesser galangal, pandan leaves, and cinnamon in a pot filled with enough water. Boil all the components for 10-15 minutes, then remove from heat. After it cools down a bit, strain the herbal drink into a bottle or glass. Add honey as a sweetener and serve while still warm. Source:

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