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Aritmia, Masalah Listrik di Jantung yang Bisa Berujung Fatal

Aritmia, Electrical Problems in the Heart that Can Lead to Fatality

Dream - The human heart is likened to a house with walls, doors, rooms, electrical cables, and water pipes, each of which functions to pump blood throughout the body. Previously, we often hear terms related to heart diseases, such as coronary heart disease and heart failure. Have you ever heard the term arrhythmia?

Arrhythmia, Electrical Problems in the Heart that Can be Fatal

Aritmia, quoted from RS Pondok Indah, is a disorder of the heart rhythm, or abnormalities in the conduction of electrical impulses to the myocardium. Patients with arrhythmia may feel their heart rhythm is too fast, too slow, or irregular.

Arrhythmia, Electrical Problems in the Heart that Can be Fatal

The condition makes this disease often referred to as occurring because it is a problem of "electrical cables" in the heart. People who have this arrhythmia feel that their heartbeats are not normal, it can be characterized by the presence of extra beats, the heartbeat can suddenly become fast or suddenly slow. The normal heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute. Simply put, this disease is like an invisible electrical flow problem in the heart.

"Symptoms of Arrhythmia"

According to Dr. Alexandra Gabriella, a heart and blood vessel specialist at Pondok Indah Hospital, arrhythmia is usually characterized by symptoms of a pounding heart, skipped heartbeats, and an irregular heartbeat. Not only that, patients can also experience dizziness, weakness, shortness of breath, fainting, and discomfort in the chest.


"The simplest way to diagnose the symptoms of this disease is through a heart recording or electrocardiogram (EKG). However, there are still many methods used to detect this disease, starting from using the assistance of a smart watch, holter monitoring performed by a specialist or cardiologist, and portable EKG," said Dr. Alexandra, at Media Class, in Jakarta, June 7, 2024."

Arrhythmia, Electrical Problems in the Heart that Can be Fatal

The text in 'Bahasa' translates to: "Aritmia disease itself is divided into two types, namely Malignant Aritmia and Benign Aritmia. Malignant Aritmia can cause someone to faint and experience sudden cardiac arrest."

Arrhythmia, Electrical Problems in the Heart that Can be Fatal
Arrhythmia, Electrical Problems in the Heart that Can be Fatal

If this cannot be helped, it can result in death. Meanwhile, Benign Arrhythmia can occur over a long period of time and can be at risk of causing heart failure, reducing heart pump function, and stroke.

"Imagine if there is a short circuit at home but it is left unattended. Does it have any impact? Well, it can definitely cause a fire at some point. Similarly, this heart's electricity is problematic if left unattended, it can be risky. The heart pump function could decrease or result in a stroke," said Dr. Alexandra.

"Causes of Arrhythmia"

Aritmia can be caused by several factors, including the consumption of cold medicine or allergy medicine, sleep apnea, hypertension, diabetes, electrolyte imbalance (excessive or insufficient potassium), thyroid disorders (such as hyperthyroidism), heart valve disorders, congenital heart disease, coronary heart disease, and heart attacks.


Apart from medical conditions, arrhythmia can also be triggered by an unhealthy lifestyle. Such as not managing stress properly, lack of sleep, smoking, drug abuse, excessive consumption of alcoholic or caffeinated beverages. Report by Aykaputri Amalia.

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