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Don't Be Excluded, Let's Get to Know Psoriasis and Its Impact on Someone's Emotional Condition
Don't Be Excluded, Let's Get to Know Psoriasis and Its Impact on Someone's Emotional Condition Skin Problem Illustration/ Photo: Shuttertstock

Dream - Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder characterized by the immune system mistakenly attacking healthy skin cells. This condition causes rapid growth and accumulation of skin on the surface of the skin.

This rapid skin buildup causes thick red patches on the skin that appear scaly.


The exact cause of this skin health disorder is not yet fully understood. However, it is believed that genetic factors, the immune system, and the environment play a significant role in triggering the onset of this disease.

Other triggers can worsen psoriasis or cause its symptoms to flare up, including stress, infections, skin injuries, smoking, and certain medications.

Impact on Mental Health

Psoriasis is not just a physical condition, but it can also have an impact on a person's emotional well-being.

Living with visible skin lesions can cause feelings of shame, anxiety, and depression. Support from friends, family, and medical professionals is crucial in overcoming the emotional challenges of psoriasis.

This condition has prompted ERHA to provide support and assistance programs for people with psoriasis at ERHA A3: Action, Amplification, Alliance.

"Seeing friends with psoriasis who often face discrimination due to the stigma surrounding their condition, we are moved to provide support and good medical facilities for patients while also educating the public about psoriasis, which is a non-communicable disease," explained Andreas Bayu Aji, Corporate Affairs Director of Arya Noble Group in a written statement received by Dream.


Experiences of Psoriasis Fighters

The physical discomfort and lack of confidence that may arise from psoriasis symptoms can affect the social interactions of sufferers, especially if they feel embarrassed or uncomfortable with their skin appearance.

Sharing activities with fellow psoriasis patients can certainly boost the spirits of psoriasis sufferers.

Yati Supriyati, one of the participants who has been living with psoriasis for 23 years, said that she usually stays alone at home and feels lonely and excluded by her neighbors.

"But today I can gather with friends who have the same struggle. I feel they understand what I feel because they also have the same disease," she hoped.

Managing Psoriasis

Various available treatments can now help control symptoms and improve the quality of life for patients.

Avoiding triggers, maintaining a healthy diet, managing stress, and keeping the skin moisturized are important steps in managing psoriasis symptoms.

Doc Erha

Seeking medical advice and following a personalized treatment plan are also important steps in effectively managing psoriasis and minimizing its impact on daily life. At the Erha A3 event, patients can consult specifically about Psoriasis and receive the latest treatment recommendations through the Erha Atopy & Skin Disease service.

Cannot Be Cured, Atopic Dermatitis Can Be Controlled With These 3 Ways

Dream - Cases of atopic dermatitis are increasing every year. Soegiarto et al's research in 2019 found that out of 499 children, 278 had one manifestation of atopic dermatitis allergy, accounting for 1.8 percent. Urticaria and allergic rhinitis are the most common atopic diseases.

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic and recurrent skin inflammation. Children with atopic dermatitis often experience dysfunction of the skin barrier, causing dry, itchy, scaly, wavy, red, and swollen skin.

If there are severe scratches due to atopic dermatitis, the skin becomes thickened and hardened.



This skin inflammation can affect people of all ages, from infants, children, teenagers, to the elderly. In infants, this skin inflammation generally first appears at the age of 2 to 3 months.

This disease, also known as dry eczema, can continue to recur until adulthood, although for some children, the symptoms may improve.

However, atopic dermatitis cannot be cured, but proper treatment can help control and alleviate its symptoms.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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