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Faktor Usia, Penyebab Utama Tubuh Lebih Mudah Terserang Flu<br>

Age Factor, the Main Cause of the Body Being More Susceptible to Flu.

Faktor Usia, Penyebab Utama Tubuh Lebih Mudah Terserang Flu

"Dream - Flu is a very common condition experienced by many people, even considered normal. According to Professor of Medicine at David Geffen School of Medicine UCLA, Otto Yang, the normal frequency of getting the flu in a year is three times, you know."

Faktor Usia, Penyebab Utama Tubuh Lebih Mudah Terserang Flu

"If Dream friends experience flu more often than the frequency mentioned, it could be directly related to certain specific factors that are often unnoticed."

Well, to avoid this condition, you need to know what factors cause it and how to prevent it. Come on, let's first find out some things that cause the body to be more susceptible to flu!

1. Virus Exposure Level

1. Virus Exposure Level

The first thing that causes flu is how often you are exposed to certain viruses. In addition, preventive measures and how the immune system reacts also determine the frequency of flu occurrence.

People who rarely or never leave the house and regularly wash their hands are less likely to be affected by the flu compared to people who frequently leave the house and interact with others. Therefore, if you don't have any important matters outside, try to engage in other activities at home.

2. Age

2. Age

Apart from the level of virus exposure, age is also a factor that influences a person's vulnerability to cold. The types of exposure experienced by children and adults are also very different.

"When you reach your 30s and 40s, you have actually been exposed to many common flu viruses and have developed immunity to those viruses. Children, on the other hand, have little immunity to many colds.""

According to Andy Pekosz, PhD, an American virus expert.


The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Kesimpulannya, orang dewasa justru akan lebih tahan terhadap virus-virus flu dibandingkan anak-anak. Jika Sahabat Dream adalah orang tua yang sering menitipkan anak di tempat penitipan atau taman kanak-kanak,   cenderung lebih sering mengalami flu akibat paparan virus dari si kecil." "In conclusion, adults are actually more resistant to flu viruses compared to children. If Sahabat Dream is a parent who often leaves their child at a daycare or kindergarten,   they are more likely to experience flu due to exposure to viruses from the little one."

3. Immune System

When exposed to a virus, the immune system determines whether you will get sick or not. Although not always infected, people with immune system disorders are more susceptible to virus infections even if the level of exposure is the same as others.


Every person has a spectrum of abilities to handle certain types of infections better or worse. So, in order to have a strong immune system, always apply a healthy lifestyle, my friend Dream!

<b>4.	Persebaran Virus</b>

4. Virus Distribution

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "One thing that also has an influence is the simultaneous spread of several viruses, but their existence goes unnoticed. Sometimes, this makes someone more vulnerable to sudden flu."

Therefore, you have to be more cautious and always maintain the stability of your immune system during certain seasons. So, what are the ways that can be done to avoid getting the flu too often?

"How to Prevent Too Frequent Flu Attacks:"

Limit interactions with sick people. Wash your hands frequently. Wear a mask when in crowded areas. Be cautious of ongoing diseases. Regularly undergo health tests. Get vaccinated for specific viruses. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Report by Marha Adani Putri/ Source:

Faktor Usia, Penyebab Utama Tubuh Lebih Mudah Terserang Flu
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