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Perhatian Kaum Hawa, Tahap Menopause Dimulai Usia 30an

Attention Ladies, Menopause Begins in the 30s

Perhatian Kaum Hawa, Tahap Menopause Dimulai Usia 30an

Dream - All humans must experience aging and it is an absolute thing. There are signs that people experience when entering the twilight years. It can be physical, psychological, and biological changes. Starting from wrinkled skin, graying hair, declining functions of muscle and bone, and so on.

Perhatian Kaum Hawa, Tahap Menopause Dimulai Usia 30an

Well, one sign of aging experienced by women is menopause. It is a condition where every woman goes through it, and it is a natural occurrence.

Perhatian Kaum Hawa, Tahap Menopause Dimulai Usia 30an

The translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Hormonal changes in a woman's body during menopause can decrease the quality of life for women, both physically and mentally. It is not uncommon for women to feel that their life has ended once they experience menopause."

Definition of Menopause

Menopause is a natural phase in which older women permanently stop their menstrual cycle. It occurs due to a decrease in estrogen and progesterone levels. Menopause is identified by the absence of menstruation for 12 months or a full year in a woman's life.

"In many cases, women experience menopause when they reach the age of around 50 years old, but more precisely at the age of 51 years old. However, not every woman experiences menopause at the same age. It depends on the number of ovarian eggs that each woman has," said Dr. Ni Komang Yeni Dhana Sari, Sp.OG, Specialist Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Health 360 Clinic during the High Tea Talks event in Jakarta, November 30, 2023."

"Menopause Stages"

According to Dr. dr. Natalia Widiasih Raharjanti, Sp.KJ(K), MPd.Ked, a specialist in Psychiatry at RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM), explains that there are four stages of menopause that will be experienced by elderly women. The first stage is premenopause, which is when women enter their 30s and have not experienced hormonal changes and have not shown signs of menopause.

The second stage is perimenopause, which is experienced by women when they enter their 40s. Here, the initial symptoms of menopause start to appear, namely fluctuating or irregular periods. The third stage is the occurrence of menopause. This is when the menstrual cycle stops completely for a year when women reach their 50s. The duration of menopause for women is five years.

Perhatian Kaum Hawa, Tahap Menopause Dimulai Usia 30an

"During those 5 years, those who experience menopause will feel symptoms such as anxiety, paranoia, excessive fear, and other psychological disorders," said Dr. Natalia in the same event."

Perhatian Kaum Hawa, Tahap Menopause Dimulai Usia 30an

The final stage of the menopause cycle is postmenopause. This is the stage where women no longer experience menstruation for the rest of their lives.

"Changes in the Body When Experiencing Menopause"

Biological Changes. Biological changes occur due to hormonal changes characterized by an increase in FSH and LH and a decrease in estrogen and progesterone. Hot flashes, night sweats, sleep pattern disturbances, memory problems, decreased energy, changes in body weight, skin/hair changes, pain during intercourse, and decreased libido.

Psychological Changes. This also arises due to neurohormonal changes and the presence of physical symptoms. Depression, anxiety, mood swings, Peterpan worries: difficulty accepting aging conditions. Changes in perceiving the current body. These changes often make older women uncomfortable and disrupt their psychological health. "Unfortunately, these changes are often accompanied by discomfort, both physically and emotionally. This discomfort can trigger feelings of frustration and vulnerability to psychological disorders," said Dr. Natalia.

"Face Menopause"

1. Early detection: consult with a professional to assess the severity of menopausal and psychological symptoms. This detection can be evaluated through screening stages. - Menopause Rating Scale: Assess the severity of menopausal symptoms experienced. - Patient Health Questionnaire-9: Assess the level of disturbance caused by depressive symptoms in two weeks. - General Anxiety Disorder-7: Assess the frequency of anxiety symptoms in two weeks.

2. Change Mindset and Lifestyle: Recognize and understand that menopause is experienced by all women. Then, exercise and consume good nutrition and supplements. 3. Visit a professional: The role of a psychologist or psychiatrist will teach some ways to manage stress when it can no longer be handled alone. Report by Amanda is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to get the latest information at this link https:\/\/\/DreamcoidWAChannel.

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