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"60 Wise and Motivational Words from Cak Nun, Encouragement when Life Feels Heavy"

Dream - In living life, many people often feel dissatisfied with the various blessings that God has given them. They always feel lacking and complain about their life situation. In fact, life is simple as long as we can be grateful for everything we have. God has given us many blessings, but humans can never feel satisfied with what they have. To deal with it, we need to learn from the words of famous figures about wisdom.

We can learn from the words of Cak Nun, an Islamic scholar with the full name Emha Ainun Najib. He is a writer, cultural figure, and senior literary figure in Indonesia. His works serve as a source of strength and guidance to help us be more grateful in life. Cak Nun's wise words contain advice that can motivate the reader. Besides being known as a literary figure, Cak Nun also has intellectual abilities in the fields of religion, politics, and various other aspects. Here are 70 wise words from Cak Nun that are full of life motivation.

"Words of Cak Nun, Motivation to Live Life"

The following is a translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: The words of Cak Nun reflect deep thoughts and values of wisdom that can provide inspiration and motivation in life. Here are some wise words from Cak Nun: "Life is like a poem that we continuously create. As long as we live, the poem is not finished yet." "Do not let sadness from the outside dominate the happiness within our hearts." "Life is like a stage, where playing the role of oneself is the most difficult role."

60 Kata-Kata Cak Nun yang Bijak dan Penuh Motivasi, Penyemangat saat Hidup Terasa Berat

"Gratitude is finding happiness in what we have, not in what we want.""Do not feel small just because we have not become big. Every small step is the beginning of a long journey."

"True education is when we are able to open the door of our hearts and explore the wonders of knowledge." "A wise person is someone who can learn lessons from all events, whether pleasant or difficult." "Be a person who grows and develops, not just gets older." "True togetherness is when we are able to uplift each other, not bring each other down." "Destiny is a mystery, and life is a journey to understand that mystery wisely."

"Words of Cak Nun Full of Wisdom"

"Orang boleh salah, agar dengan demikian ia berpeluang menemukan kebenaran dengan proses autentiknya sendiri.""Manusia jangan menunggu hancur dulu baru insaf." - Emha Ainun Nadjib"Seseorang tidak akan memperjuangkan perubahan dari ketidakbenaran menjadi kebenaran ketika yang harus ia perlihara adalah kemapanannya dalam ketidakbenaran.""Kalau kau cukup makan sepiring nasi, kenapa harus sepiring setengah. Kalau kesehatanmu cukup dipenuhi dengan sebiji tempe, kenapa ambil dua?"

"\u201cWhatever we do in this life is a race for goodness. It is not a race of one's excellence over another.\u201d \u201cThe most important lesson for a future leader is the ability to become a citizen. Whoever can become a good citizen, that is a good leader. Meaning, a leader's mindset should be a citizen's mindset.\u201d \u201cWhat matters is not whether we win or lose, God does not require humans to win so losing is not a sin, what matters is whether someone fights or does not fight.\u201d \u201cHeaven is not important, focus only on God.\u201d \u201cMost people cannot sleep, they are only asleep, because throughout the day and night they are burdened by the world.\u201d"

60 Kata-Kata Cak Nun yang Bijak dan Penuh Motivasi, Penyemangat saat Hidup Terasa Berat

"The essence of life is not what we know, not the books we read or the sentences we utter, but what we do, what is deeply rooted in our hearts, souls, and the core of our lives."

"Words of Cak Nun Full of Love Motivation"

"You can love even without love." "One element of mature love is empathy. If our beloved is thirsty, we are the ones anxiously looking for water. If our beloved is hurt, it is our feelings that bleed." "Love is not measured by how long it lasts, but by how clear and in which direction." "Don't force someone to love you. Demand yourself to love anyone." "Only solitude can teach us not to be unfaithful.""

"Empathy is one of the elements that must exist in building relationships. Both parties must respect and understand each other because fundamentally, love is about complementing each other. Always trying to feel what the partner feels is also a tangible manifestation of love." "People are allowed to make mistakes, so that they have the opportunity to find the truth through their own authentic process." "What is the use of knowledge if it does not enhance the human personality so that they become more capable of understanding others?" "Sadness may exist, but there should be no hatred towards anyone." "There are people who criticize but do not provide a way out. There are people who provide a way out without criticizing."

"Wise Words from Cak Nun for Worship Motivation"

"Religion is in the kitchen. It doesn't matter what brand of pan you use in the kitchen, the main thing is the food served in the healthy stall. Therefore, the measure of a religious person's success is not in their prayers or pilgrimage, but in their behavior." "Happiness and comfort in life do not depend too much on external things but depend on the inner wealth within a person." "Does character have to be displayed through clothing?"

"Joy and comfort in life do not depend too much on external things but depend on the inner wealth within a person. "Life is not just about finding food, isn't it that while working, someone can contemplate something, can recite with words that are in accordance with the stage of understanding or the needs of life, can observe various kinds of people, can learn from so many events. Can find wisdom, lessons, and wisdom that make life more advanced and good." "Most people struggle to create themselves. They highlight themselves, even for that they eliminate other creatures. Until they dare to eliminate their Lord, that is death."

"Kamu punya ruang dalam hatimu untuk merasakan hati para mbambung (gelandangan) sehingga hatimu sedih, getir, terimpit seribu gunung. Sementara orang-orang pandai sibuk dengan program-program dan omong besar di koran-koran. Tuhan tidak bertanya padamu apakah kamu mampu menolong mbambung atau tidak, tapi melihat apakah kamu mencintai orang lemah atau tidak.""Al-Fatihah haruslah mencerminkan proses dan tahapan pencapaian sejarah kita sebagai diri pribadi serta kita sebagai umatan wahidah. Ketika sampai di kalimat na'budu, tingkat yang harus kita capai telah lebih dari 'abdullah, yakni khalifatullah."

"Rules and regulations are not always the same as justice, they can even contradict the principle of justice. Laws have their own relativity and are not absolute as the word of God."

60 Kata-Kata Cak Nun yang Bijak dan Penuh Motivasi, Penyemangat saat Hidup Terasa Berat

"Inspirational Words from Cak Nun"

"God does not demand us to succeed. God only asks us to struggle endlessly." "Life is not about whether you succeed or not, whether you win or lose. But life in this world is about whether you can endure and depend on God in any circumstances." "Young people cannot solely rely on becoming civil servants, as the population growth will be inversely proportional to job opportunities. Those who will stand strong in life are those with an entrepreneurial mindset, those who are not aristocratic, those who are diligent and willing to work hard."

"What is the use of knowledge if it does not expand one's soul so that it acts like an ocean that contains garbage?"Do not desperately chase after something that cannot be taken to the grave."\u201cUsually the greediest and most understanding of the theory, methods, and practice of greed are the intelligent people!\u201d\u201cMost people struggle to make themselves up. They highlight themselves, even for that they eliminate other creatures. Until they dare to eliminate their God, that is death.\u201d"Retreating is important, so that you can truly hear what is the content of the crowd.\u201d"Our lives are only borrowed, so there is no need to be proud of what we have. The biggest calamity of mankind is feeling ownership."

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Words of Cak Nun about Religion".

"Religion is behavior, religion is attitude. And all religions teach politeness, compassion, and Love for fellow human beings." "Religion is taught to humans so that they have the knowledge and ability to organize life, organize themselves and nature, organize history, culture, and politics." "I call myself a Muslim, but I dare not, because it is Allah's prerogative to judge whether I am a Muslim or not."

"Religion is not introduced as good news and promises of love, but rather as a whip, a punisher, and an authoritarian security guard." "The most fundamental Sunnah of the Prophet is his character, not his costume. The person who is loved by God is the one who admits that they are bad, feels incapable, and does not feel capable." "God is not hurt by your disbelief. But God is deeply hurt if you pretend to worship Him." "It's okay if your religious knowledge is still limited, it actually makes you humble. Many people who think they know religious knowledge actually become arrogant." "Heaven is not important, focus only on God."

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