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Discover, 5 Health Problems that Arise Due to Stress

Discover, 5 Health Problems that Arise Due to Stress

Dream - Stress is not only a burden on the mind, but it can also disrupt overall health conditions. When the body is constantly exposed to stress, the quality of life and immune system weaken.

Know, 5 Health Problems that Arise Due to Stress

"Stress not only makes us feel emotionally uncomfortable. Stress can also worsen your overall health condition,"
According to Jay Winner, Director of the Stress Management Program at Sansum Clinic.

"@ 2023"

That's why Dream Friends need to control stress levels by exercising, meditating, or having beneficial and enjoyable hobbies to pursue.

Know, 5 Health Problems that Arise Due to Stress

"Controlling stress is not only good for mental health. Dream friends can strengthen the immune system by controlling stress. High and continuous levels of stress can cause various health problems as follows."

1. Heart Disease

Research shows that people with a tendency to easily stress are at a higher risk of developing high blood pressure and heart problems.

1. Heart Disease

Stress can directly affect heart rate, blood circulation, and release cholesterol into the blood. In addition, stress is also related to smoking or obesity habits. This indirectly can increase the risk of heart disease, so control stress levels from now on, okay.

"2. Asma"

Research states that high stress in parents can cause asthma in children. Asthma in children can worsen when they are exposed to air pollution or have a mother who smokes during pregnancy.

3. Obesity

Excess fat in the stomach can pose a greater health risk compared to fat in the legs or hips. The accumulation of fat in the stomach can be caused by many factors, one of which is stress. People who experience high levels of stress are more likely to accumulate fat in the stomach due to an increase in cortisol hormone levels.


4. Diabetes

Stress can worsen the condition of diabetes sufferers in two ways. First, stress can worsen lifestyle habits, such as consuming unhealthy foods and drinks excessively. Second, stress can also increase glucose levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes.


5. Depression and Anxiety

Perhaps Dream friends are not surprised if chronic stress can increase the risk of depression and anxiety. According to research, people who experience work-related stress have an 80% higher risk of experiencing depression.


Therefore, create a schedule for sports and meditation to prevent excessive stress. Sahabat Dream can also manage their time to be more calm when facing deadlines. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty/ Source: Webmd

Know, 5 Health Problems that Arise Due to Stress
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