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Mix and Match Outfit Citra Kirana When Playing Tennis
Mix and Match Outfit Citra Kirana When Playing Tennis Citra Kirana/ Instagram @citraciki

Dream - Actress Citra Kirana seems to be regularly exercising. The choice of outfits of Rezky Aditya's wife never fails to attract public attention. Simple but still attractive.

Like her appearance in the latest post on Instagram account @citraciki, Citra appears simple with an all-black outfit while playing tennis.

Citra Kirana/ Instagram @citraciki

The woman who is familiarly called Ciki wears a black long-sleeved shirt with a neat white tennis hat. She wears a plain black A-line mini skirt without pleats for layering sports leggings.

Citra Kirana/ Instagram @citraciki

To complete her look, Ciki wears white tennis sneakers that match her hat. Sporty and chic, this outfit suits the mother of one child.

Clean Look Citra Kirana, No Need to Combine Many Colors

Dream - Combining many bright colors in an outfit makes it look fresher. If you prefer a simpler and cleaner look, the style shared by actress Citra Kirana on her Instagram @citraciki can be an inspiration.

The woman who is familiarly called Ciki wears a white cotton blouse. The classic long-sleeved top looks simple, but the cutting fits Ciki's body perfectly.

Citra Kirana/ Instagram @citraciki

Ciki combines the clean white top with well-fitted high-waisted black cutbray pants. The black pants are adorned with a black belt, making the look more stylish.

Citra Kirana/ Instagram @citraciki

This wife of Rezky Aditya does not choose a different color for her hijab, instead she combines it with the same white color as her blouse. The square voal hijab is simply styled to cover the neck, creating a clean look for the star of the soap opera "Tukang Bubur Naik Haji".

Combine Two Minimalist Colors, Take a Look at Citra Kirana's Sweet Look

Dream - Citra Kirana's outfits never cease to attract fashion lovers' attention, especially hijabis. Some time ago, Rezky Aditya's wife wore a loose black dress.

The black dress has a touch of dark taupe color on the shoulders, giving a sweeter impression. The loose dress cut makes Citra's appearance more elegant.

Citra Kirana/ Instagram @citraciki

The collar of this dress adopts a high neckline model with black accents. The woman who is familiarly called Ciki chooses a dark taupe pashmina hijab with a simple style and tucks it into the collar to highlight the details on her neck.

Citra Kirana/ Instagram @citraciki

To enhance her look, Ciki carries a mini light taupe-colored bag that is cute and simple. It's a sweet and elegant look, Sahabat Dream.

Recommendation of Sweet and Feminine All-Pink Outfits ala Citra Kirana

Dream - Pink color is often relied upon by women to look sweeter and more feminine. Outfits in this color can be used for casual occasions like hangouts or formal work attire.

One of the style inspirations that Sahabat Dream can take is the sweet outfit worn by Citra Kirana during a hangout.

The woman who is familiarly called Ciki wears a rose quartz inner combined with a candy floss-colored knitted outer.

Citra Kirana/ Instagram @citraciki

The beautiful outer has a honeycomb pattern and white accents on the buttons and cuffs.

This candy floss top is paired with an a-line skirt in rose quartz color, which looks lovely. The a-line skirt gives a more feminine touch to Ciki's appearance.

The hijab chosen by Rezky Aditya's wife is in the same rose quartz color as her skirt. The voal hijab is simply styled to cover the neck, creating a clean look.

Ciki carries a candy pink mini bag. The quilted mini bag gives a sweet and feminine impression to Ciki's overall look.

Matching All-Pink, See the Sweet Looks of Citra Kirana and Erica Putri

Dream - The harmony between actress Citra Kirana and Erica Putri often catches attention. The fashion styles of these two beautiful women often become inspiration for hijabis.

When it comes to fashion, Citra and Erica often seem to have similar tastes, and they are often seen wearing the same outfits. They even look like twins due to their frequent matching outfits.

Instagram @citraciki

In a post on Instagram account @citraciki, Citra and Erica are seen wearing matching outfits with an all-pink theme.

Citra, or who is familiarly called Ciki, wears a hot pink tweed blazer combined with a navy skirt that looks very feminine. The combination of pink and navy outfits is paired with a simple rose quartz pashmina hijab.

Instagram @citraciki


Simple yet Stylish, Citra Kirana's Choice of Outfit While Touring Paris

Dream - White fashion items are often the go-to for many people. White clothes, pants, bags, and accessories make the appearance look attractive without being excessive.

This color is also perfect for casual looks that Sahabat Dream can use as inspiration for outfits while traveling. Just like the appearance of actress Citra Kirana when visiting the Musée du Louvre in Paris, France, some time ago.

Instagram @citraciki

Citra wears a white top with a high collar and semi-balloon sleeves. There are thin lace accents adorning the wrists and the bottom of the blouse.


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