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Portrait of Naarah Joesoef's Beauty, Sean Gelael's Girlfriend who Turns Out to be Dian Sastrowardojo's Cousin
Portrait of Naarah Joesoef's Beauty, Sean Gelael's Girlfriend who Turns Out to be Dian Sastrowardojo's Cousin Sean Gelael and Naarah Joesoef (Photo: @gelaelized)

Dream - Sean Gelael is known as a national car racer. His hobby of driving four-wheeled vehicles on the circuit comes from his father, who is a former Indonesian racer, Ricardo Gelael. 

The entertainment world is not new to Sean either. He is the son of senior actress Rini S. Bono and the younger brother of actor Fachri Albar.

Known as a handsome racer, it's no wonder that this 26-year-old man has conquered the heart of his beautiful beloved named Naarah Joesoef.

Naarah Joesoef's beauty is not inferior to her cousin, who is a famous actress, Dian Sastrowardoyo. Don't believe it? Here are some portraits of Naarah Joesoef.

1. Beautiful Face

Portrait of Naarah Joesoef

Photo: @gelaelized

Naarah Joesoef's beauty is undeniable. Her appearance is combined with a calm style that can melt people's hearts when they see her sweet smile.

2. Older than Sean

Portrait of Naarah Joesoef

Photo: @naarahjoesoef

Naarah was born in Jakarta in 1990, or 6 years older than Sean, who was born in 1996. However, when they are together, the age difference seems invisible.

3. Dian Sastrowardojo's Cousin

Portrait of Naarah Joesoef

Photo: @naarahjoesoef

Not many people know that Naarah Joesoef is actually the cousin of the beautiful actress Dian Sastrowardoyo.

4. Fashionable

Portrait of Naarah Joesoef

Photo: @naarahjoesoef

Aside from being beautiful, Naarah Joesoef's appearance is also very fashionable and cool.

5. Horse Riding Hobby

Portrait of Naarah Joesoef

Photo: @naarahjoesoef

Who would have thought that Naarah Joesoef enjoys horse riding? She shared a photo of herself riding a horse on her Instagram feed.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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