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Resting due to tiredness of driving, Here are Safe Sleeping Tips in the Car and Rules for Using Mattresses for Children
Resting due to tiredness of driving, Here are Safe Sleeping Tips in the Car and Rules for Using Mattresses for Children Photo: Special

Dream - Driving long distances using a car, especially driving alone, has the risk of drowsiness that can come at any time without permission. Although it is the only solution, the way you sleep in the car when you are at a rest area or the nearest gas station cannot be done carelessly.

We often hear news about drivers who die while sleeping in the car while resting from driving. Most of the causes are poisoning from the vehicle's gas.

Dream friends must know several things to consider when deciding to sleep in the car. Here are tips that can be applied so that you can sleep soundly and safely:

Danger of Toxic Gas for Human Body

Before knowing the tips, Auto2000 shares some important notes for drivers about sleeping habits in the car. The first thing to understand is that a person can die from suffocation if the oxygen level in the cabin decreases and the carbon monoxide (CO) level increases.

Usually, this CO gas comes from the car's exhaust gas. The fact that this gas is odorless often makes victims unaware of the potential danger. The condition worsens because the closed AC circulation accelerates the spread of toxic gas.

In certain levels, CO gas is still safe for humans. However, when the CO level increases and the oxygen level in the blood decreases, the body will be poisoned and become weak until eventually losing consciousness. In many cases, the victims are not even aware that they have been poisoned by dangerous gas.

When the car is running, the risk of CO gas poisoning is much lower because the driver is conscious and immediately realizes that something is wrong. The air flow will also push the toxic gas from under the car to the back and not into the cabin.

Avoid Parking in Enclosed Areas

What if the driver still wants to sleep because they are driving alone and have exceeded the maximum driving hours in a day?

Avoid sleeping in enclosed areas such as basements because the air circulation in these areas is poor, preventing toxic gases from escaping.

Find a place that is considered truly safe when choosing a rest area or gas station to rest. Choose a location near a guard post or crowded places like a mini market.

If sleeping at night and the air is not hot, the driver can turn off the engine and AC of the car and simply open the windows.

Rules for Sleeping with the Car's AC On

If you still want to turn on the AC, open the windows about 2 cm in front of the left and right sides to help with air circulation. Alternatively, you can choose the Open position on the car's AC circulation menu so that fresh air can enter.

Set a target sleep time with a cellphone alarm, for example, 30 minutes. The alarm also prevents the driver from sleeping too deeply and alerts them if there are problems such as difficulty breathing.

Immediately wake up and open the car door if you feel nauseous, dizzy, or any other discomfort. Honk the horn if you have difficulty breathing and need assistance from others.

Before going on vacation, perform regular service at Auto2000 workshop or THS service - Auto2000 Home Service to maintain the engine condition so that the exhaust gas emissions comply with regulations, the car's AC is in prime condition, and there are no leaks in the car's cabin.

Rules for Using a Mattress in the Car

A mattress can be used for sleeping in the car only when the car is stopped. Whatever the reason, such as allowing a child to sleep and play peacefully, do not set up a mattress to be used while the car is moving.

When the vehicle is in motion, all passengers without exception must sit in their designated seats and use seatbelts.

In theory, anything that is not secured in a vehicle will move at the same speed. For example, if a car is traveling at a speed of 80 km/h, a passenger who is not wearing a seatbelt will be propelled at a speed of 80 km/h in the event of a collision.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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