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Try Makeup Artist Tricks to Conceal Dark Circles Under the Eyes
Try Makeup Artist Tricks to Conceal Dark Circles Under the Eyes Using Makeup. (Source: Shutterstock)

Dream - The area under the eyes often becomes dark, especially when lacking sleep. Some people also have very dark under-eye areas even after getting enough rest.

Both conditions require different products to conceal panda eyes. Sahabat Dream doesn't always have to use bright color correctors or concealers to make the under-eye area brighter.


"If the dark circles are very dark and can't be helped, you have to use concealer. If it's just because of lack of sleep or the dark circles are faint, you can use a slightly lighter foundation," said Hendro Sudarta, Makeup Artist at the Launch of the '#RevlonIsMe - Color Stay All Day' Campaign in Kota Kasablanka, South Jakarta, on Wednesday, August 2, 2023.


In addition to concealer, Hendro also suggests using orange color corrector. The selection of orange color must be precise to effectively neutralize hyperpigmentation under the eyes.

Color Corrector

Photo: Shutterstock

"Choose a truly orange color, not a faint or pastel one. If you use a color that's not orange, it won't cover. It has to be orange," he said.

The application must also be done with extra caution. Color corrector is creamy in texture, so it needs to be blended slowly and allowed to fully absorb before being covered with concealer.

Use a concealer slightly lighter than your skin tone if you want a brighter under-eye area. You can also choose a concealer that matches your skin tone to apply in that area for a more natural result.

Easy Ways to Deal with Panda Eyes

Dream - Eye bags are a common problem. This issue can make your appearance less appealing and erode self-confidence.

The appearance of bags under the eyes can be caused by various factors, such as lack of sleep, stress, and aging processes.

However, this problem is not without solutions. Bags under the eyes that disrupt your appearance can be addressed with the following methods:

  • Ice Compress

The easiest way to deal with eye bags is by compressing them with ice. The method is simple, you just need to take one ice cube, wrap it in a cloth, and then compress it on your eyes for 10 minutes.

  • Aloe Vera

You can use aloe vera as a moisturizer that can soothe the skin and reduce eye bags. Simply apply aloe vera gel under the eyes.

  • Tea Bags

Don't throw away used tea bags, but keep them in the refrigerator. When you feel that eye bags are bothering you, relieve them by compressing your eyes with tea bags.

  • Mint Leaves

Mint leaves have the ability to soothe the skin and improve blood circulation. Using mint leaves on the under-eye area can help alleviate eye bags.

  • Cucumber

Just like being in a spa, you can also compress your eyes with sliced cucumbers. It's guaranteed to make your eye bags disappear if used regularly.

  • Almond Oil

You can also massage the area around your eyes with natural oil to improve blood circulation. Try using almond oil, which also provides hydration to the skin.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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