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6 Meanings of Dreaming of Seeing Someone Commit Suicide, A Warning to be More Sensitive to Others
6 Meanings of Dreaming of Seeing Someone Commit Suicide, A Warning to be More Sensitive to Others Meaning of dreaming of seeing someone commit suicide (Illustration Photo:

Dream – Seeing someone commit suicide can cause fear and trauma. Especially when the incident happens and Dream's friend is unable to help, it will surely bring a sense of guilt as to why they didn't help quickly.

However, this is not your fault. On the other hand, the person who decides to commit suicide is also not at fault because they may have very heavy problems that they cannot bear. So the decision to end their life comes suddenly.

Terrifying events like this can also be experienced by Dream's friend in a dream. Where you see someone committing suicide. And when you wake up, you may feel scared and confused as to why that dream appeared.

Although it's just a dream, but this dream brings signs for your life. There are various meanings of dreaming of seeing someone commit suicide that can be a warning, a bad omen, and it's not impossible to be a good sign.

Now, here are some meanings of dreaming of seeing someone commit suicide as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Meaning of Dreaming of Seeing Someone Commit Suicide

Meaning of Dreaming of Seeing Someone Commit Suicide

Meaning of Dreaming of Seeing Someone Commit Suicide in General

If Dream's friend dreams of seeing someone commit suicide, then this dream brings two meanings. It can be a good sign and also a guidance. The meaning of dreaming of seeing someone commit suicide indicates that you are moving fast and taking advantage of the opportunities in front of you.

But on the other hand, this dream can also be a guidance for you. You need to find out what is happening with the person you know. Maybe that person is in need of something. If you can help them, then help to lighten their burden.

Meaning of Dreaming of Seeing a Stranger Commit Suicide

What would Dream's friend do if they see someone about to commit suicide? It is best to immediately seek help from the nearest person or if you can help them, then quickly help, even if that person is a stranger to you.

Because saving someone can have a big impact. For example, saving their family who almost lost their loved one. But what if you experience this in a dream?

Dream's friend should be careful if they have this dream. The meaning of dreaming of seeing someone commit suicide and that person is a stranger indicates that someone is angry with you because you do not appreciate them.

Unfortunately, you don't understand it and make the problem even bigger. This dream also shows that you cannot please everyone. Nevertheless, try to do your best.

Meaning of Dreaming of Seeing Someone Commit Suicide

Meaning of Dreaming of Seeing Someone Commit Suicide

Meaning of Dreaming of Seeing Your Partner Commit Suicide

So, what if Dream's friend dreams of their partner committing suicide? Of course, you would feel worried and have an uncomfortable feeling about your partner's condition.

The meaning of dreaming of seeing someone commit suicide indicates that there is a problem of distrust between you and your partner. You are not even sure about your future with them. However, this can still be changed by communicating and being open with each other.

Meaning of Dreaming of Changing Your Mind about Suicide

It's different if Dream's friend dreams of changing their mind about suicide. This dream actually brings good signs for you. You have found a solution to the problem you are facing.

Moreover, you have also dared to try things that you have learned. This is very good for improving your mood. You can even earn income by exploring your hobbies.

This dream also signifies that you can free yourself from boredom due to work responsibilities. This is a good sign that can help you avoid stress.

Meaning of Dreaming of Seeing Someone Commit Suicide

Meaning of Dreaming of Seeing Someone Commit Suicide

Meaning of Dreaming of Committing Suicide

If Dream's friend dreams of committing suicide, then it is related to your future. It seems that there are some things that are not going well in the future. You have even tried to make changes, but still, there doesn't seem to be any positive aspect in the future.

If Dream's friend feels worried and anxious about their future, then try to pray. Besides that, never give up trying. Hopefully, there will be a better change for your next life.

Meaning of Dreaming of Attempting Suicide

If Dream's friend dreams of attempting suicide, then it is related to the habit of procrastination. When you face a life obstacle, you take too long to solve it.

Moreover, the longer you postpone it, the problem will become more difficult and there is a possibility that it will add other problems. So, one thing that needs to be improved is to avoid procrastination. Do it as soon as possible so that the problem can be resolved quickly and you can do other more beneficial things.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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