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'Beautiful Loyalty Inspector' New Viral Profession, Their Task is to Test the Loyalty of Men
'Beautiful Loyalty Inspector' New Viral Profession, Their Task is to Test the Loyalty of Men TikToker Successfully Loses Weight. (Source: TikTok @ekkafitrie)

Dream - Loyalty is the key to a long-lasting relationship. Sometimes, all we can do is trust that our partner remains faithful and does not do anything wrong out there. However, for some women in Brazil, partner loyalty needs to be tested in this unique way.

As reported by Oddity Central, the latest online profession is becoming a hot topic in Brazil. The profession is called 'Loyalty Inspectors'. This profession is usually carried out by young women with attractive appearances who will tempt men according to clients' wishes through TikTok and Instagram.

Wives or girlfriends have to pay according to the rate of each woman, ranging from 20 reais (60 thousand rupiah) to 150 reais (457 thousand rupiah). After paying, the online inspector will then test the client's partner.




The testing is done with various tricks, starting from sending Direct Messages through Instagram to sending messages via WhatsApp and claiming to have obtained the number from an acquaintance. They will then collect all the evidence from the tests, such as chat screenshots, or if there are voice recordings, videos, or photos sent by the man. The evidence will be given to the client.


The 22-year-old loyalty inspector, Nicolly, shared her story when she started this profession. "He came to me on Instagram saying that he thought I was very beautiful and that I was his type. He said he was very suspicious of him because he had cheated several times, so he wanted me to contact him to see if he would fall in love with me," said Nicolly.

Nicolly then contacted the woman's husband. The conversation continued to the topic of a direct meeting. Nicolly gave the chat screenshots to the woman and she then sent him a 'big gift'. Not stopping there, Nicolly received a similar request from another woman.


At that time, Nicolly had just given birth. But she didn't have a job. The requests from women who wanted to test their partners made Nicolly realize that such a service is real and can generate income. On the day Nicolly shared this story via TikTok, she claimed to have earned around 4 to 5 thousand reais (12 to 15 million rupiah).

Another young online inspector from Curitiba, Stefani Lara, claimed to offer loyalty testing services to help women end their toxic relationships. The 20-year-old woman claimed that about six out of every ten men would fail her test.


"I think the test won't prove 100% whether someone is loyal or not. But I think it's very helpful to know the intentions of those who are on our side. Many women just need enough evidence to get out of a toxic relationship," Stefani said.


Another woman, Iasmin, who is 19 years old, has been a loyalty inspector for about a year. She admitted to experiencing the dark side of this new online profession. One time, the man she tested saw through his girlfriend's phone and found out what was happening.

He contacted her and threatened to come and find her and seek revenge. Fortunately, the couple managed to resolve their issues and the man stopped looking for her. However, since then, she has excluded requests to test men from the same city.

Report: Erdyandra Tri Sandiva

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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