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Viral Job Vacancy Just for Hanging Out at a Cafe, Daily Salary of IDR 100,000, Netizens Busy Searching for its Location
Viral Job Vacancy Just for Hanging Out at a Cafe, Daily Salary of IDR 100,000, Netizens Busy Searching for its Location Viral Job Vacancy Just for Hanging Out at a Cafe, Where to Register?

Dream - Information that is currently viral on social media about job vacancies makes many users of short tweet machines crave it. Like a dream profession, the job offered only requires applicants to have the ability to hang out at a cafe. 

This vacancy is attractive because the light tasks offered offer a very tempting salary.

In a post from the Twitter account @workfess, it shows a job vacancy photo for hanging out at a cafe.

In the uploaded photo, it is written that the application for hanging out work will be paid. Each time you work, you will be paid around IDR 70,000 to IDR 100,000.

"Part-time job vacancy for hanging out paid. Payment for each hangout is IDR 70,000 - 100,000," said the job vacancy description.

Meanwhile, for those who work hanging out, they must be at the cafe for 3-4 hours.

In its description, this hanging out job is intended to make the cafe appear crowded in society.

"Just sitting and hanging out for about 3-4 hours. Just to liven up the cafe and make it look crowded," he wrote.

Later, the workers are asked to perform these tasks for several days. In one week, the workers are asked to liven up the cafe about 4-5 times.

Netizens who saw the video were immediately surprised. Because the job is only for hanging out and livening up the cafe.

Some netizens are actually interested in applying for the job. In fact, some admitted to having done similar jobs.

"Job description: as a crowd-puller," wrote @asimetrisface

"But do we have to pay for the food and drinks ourselves? wkwkw but it's quite good because it's like free hanging out, plsss info if there's any in the Bekasi area? 🤣🙏🏻 for my thesis too," wrote @vousmeivoyezz

"I once got paid IDR 50,000 to liven up the cafe for its grand opening," wrote @gapakef

"So nice, please share the location," wrote @favorbte


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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