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"6 Ways to Make Children More Confident, Can Be Tried When Entering a New School "

6 Ways to Boost Your Child's Confidence, Can Be Tried When Entering a New School

Dream - As parents, helping children feel confident is very important. Our words and actions greatly influence a child's self-esteem, from the moment they are babies until they grow up.

6 Ways to Boost Your Child's Confidence, Can Be Tried When Entering a New School

Self-esteem and self-confidence are important to build from an early age. They are needed when a child has to adapt to new things. Like when in the upcoming new school year, they will start new friendships and experience a very different atmosphere. Just try to implement these 6 things.

1. Help Children Try New Things

When a child grows up, things like learning to dress, read, or ride a bike are opportunities to cultivate their self-confidence. Try teaching by showing and assisting. Then, let the children do what they can, let them make mistakes. This is an important part of developing positive self-esteem.


Make sure children have the opportunity to learn, try, and feel proud. Do not make new challenges too easy or too difficult. Encourage them to always do their best but explain that they don't have to be perfect.

2. Be a Good Role Model

When trying to complete daily tasks, such as cooking or washing dishes, the mother has set a good example for the child. The child will learn to try to do household chores, clean up toys, or tidy up the bed. In terms of learning, it is more effective for the child to be shown rather than told.

6 Ways to Boost Your Child's Confidence, Can Be Tried When Entering a New School

3. Avoid making harsh comments

The message that children hear about themselves from others often affects their feelings about themselves. Harsh words or negative statements (such as calling a child lazy) do not motivate children and can hurt their self-esteem. Avoid words that can hurt children's feelings, Mom and Dad.


4. Focus on the Child's Strengths

Pay attention to what your child's strengths are. This is usually evident when the child enjoys or performs well in that particular task. Try to focus on their strengths rather than their weaknesses to make them feel comfortable with themselves.


5. Motivation for Children to Make Friends

Teach children that the best friends are those who treat them well and motivate them through words or actions. Children should be reminded to avoid people who act cunningly and maliciously towards them. Instead, children should choose friends who can help them be themselves. Also, help them become that type of friend to others.


6. Let Children Help and Give

"Dignity grows when children see that what they do is important to others. Children can help at home, do volunteer work at school, or assist their siblings. Helping others and performing acts of kindness can build self-esteem and other positive feelings. Source: KidsHealth/ Report: Aykaputri Amalia"

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