Better experience in portrait mode.
8 Doa agar Anak Nurut pada Orang Tua dan Tidak Keras Kepala, Amalkan Sejak Buah Hati dalam Kandungan!

8 Prayers for Children to Obey Parents and Not Be Stubborn, Practice Since the Baby is in the Womb!

Dream - Prayer plays an important role in shaping the character of a child with a gentle heart, an obedient child, and a child who is not stubborn. This collection of prayers for children to be obedient to their parents serves as a valuable guide for parents to seek help from Allah in shaping the personality of their beloved child.

8 Prayers for Children to Obey Their Parents and Not Be Stubborn, Practice Since the Child is in the Womb!

1. Prayer for Children to Obey their Parents

Translation: "O Allah, grant me a righteous offspring from Your side, for You are the All-Hearing of prayers."


2. Prayer for Children to Obey Their Parents

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3. Prayer for Children to Obey their Parents

"Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illa Huwa 'alayhi tawakkaltu wa Huwa Rabbul 'Arshil 'Azim" means "Allah is sufficient for me, there is no deity except Him. I rely upon Him, and He is the Lord of the Great Throne."


4. Prayer for Children to Obey Parents

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Allahumma ij'alni wa abi wa ummi minash-shalihiin" translates to "O Allah, make me, my father, and my mother among the righteous."


5. Prayer for Children to Obey Parents

"\u0627\u064e\u0641\u064e\u063a\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0631\u064e \u062f\u0650\u064a\u0652\u0646\u0650 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0651\u0670\u0647\u0650 \u064a\u064e\u0628\u0652\u063a\u064f\u0648\u0652\u0646\u064e \u0648\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0647\u0657 \u0653 \u0627\u064e\u0633\u0652\u0644\u064e\u0645\u064e \u0645\u064e\u0646\u0652 \u0641\u0650\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u064e\u0651\u0645\u0670\u0648\u0670\u062a\u0650 \u0648\u064e\u0627\u0644\u0652\u0627\u064e\u0631\u0652\u0636\u0650 \u0637\u064e\u0648\u0652\u0639\u064b\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u0651\u0643\u064e\u0631\u0652\u0647\u064b\u0627 \u0648\u064e\u0651\u0627\u0650\u0644\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0647\u0650 \u064a\u064f\u0631\u0652\u062c\u064e\u0639\u064f\u0648\u0652\u0646\u064eAfaghayra dini llahi yabghuna walahu aslama man fis samawati wal ardi taw\u2019an wakarhan wailayhi yurja\u2019un.Artinya: "Maka apakah mereka mencari agama yang lain dari agama Allah, padahal kepadaNya-lah menyerahkan diri segala apa yang di langit dan di bumi, baik dengan suka maupun terpaksa dan hanya kepada Allah mereka dikembalikan." (Q.S. Ali Imran 83)"

6. Prayer for Children to Obey Parents and Not Be Stubborn

The following prayer is quoted from Surah Asy-Syuraa verse 19: ٱللَّهُ لَطِيفٌۢ بِعِبَادِهِۦ يَرْزُقُ مَن يَشَآءُ ۖ وَهُوَ ٱلْقَوِىُّ ٱلْعَزِيزُ Meaning: "Allah is Very Kind to His servants. He provides sustenance to whom He wills, and He is the Powerful, the Mighty."

7. Prayer for Children to Obey Parents

"Allah bless us in our children and descendants, protect them, do not harm them, and bestow upon us their goodness."

8. Prayers for Children to Obey their Parents.

Parents should recite the following prayer from the time the child is still in the womb. With Allah's permission, the child will grow up to be obedient to their parents. وَالَّذِينَ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ أَزْوَاجِنَا وَذُرِّيَّاتِنَا قُرَّةَ أَعْيُنٍ وَاجْعَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِينَ إِمَامًا Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa dzurriyatina qurrota a’yun waj’alna lil muttaqina imama.

Translation: "It means: 'Our Lord, grant us, our wives, and our offspring as comfort for our hearts, and make us leaders for the righteous.' (Quran Surah Al-Furqan verse 74)"

8 Prayers for Children to Obey Their Parents and Not Be Stubborn, Practice Since the Child is in the Womb!
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