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80 Words of Mother's Pearl Touching Heart, Make More Miss and Want to Hug Her

80 Words of Mother's Pearl Touching Heart, Make More Miss and Want to Hug Her

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The mother's pearls of wisdom touch the heart, depicting the immense love a child has for their mother."

Dream - The role of a mother for a child is very significant. A mother not only struggles to risk her life for the sake of her beloved child's life, but also willingly sacrifices for the happiness of her children. However, there are many people who find it difficult to express their love for their mother. One way you can do to express your love for a mother figure is by presenting heartfelt words of pearls for a mother.

The following are some heartfelt words of wisdom for mothers that you can choose as quoted by Dream from various sources.

80 Kata-kata Mutiara Ibu Menyentuh Hati, Buat Makin Rindu dan Ingin Memeluknya

"Pearls of Mother's Words Touching the Heart"

"I love my mother because she has given me everything. She gave me love, she gave me her soul, and she gave me all her time.""Mother, I will love you until the end of my life, even though I know I always disappoint you. Forgive me for not being able to make you happy.""Only giving, without expecting anything in return. Like the sun, illuminating the world." (SM Mochtar, Mother's Love)

"Mother, please forgive the words that have been spoken by my lips, your child has sometimes hurt your feelings, I really cannot bear to see you sad because of my behavior." "Thank you, mama, for every drop of milk that flows in my blood. Without you, I would never be able to breathe the air of life, befriend nature, and navigate the breath of the world with you. Thank you for always loving me, mama." "Thank you, God, for entrusting me to your angel whom I call Mother."

"I will give my best for mother, so that in the future mother will smile happily seeing me fulfill your expectations, mother."

80 Kata-kata Mutiara Ibu Menyentuh Hati, Buat Makin Rindu dan Ingin Memeluknya

"No one loves us as much as our mother does."Mom, your love and affection mean so much. Only you can give such genuine love. Thank you, Mom."A mother who loves you deeply hears what you say and understands what you haven't said."A mother's heart is a classroom where her child learns." - Henry Ward Beecher"Though it's impossible to be a perfect mother, a mother always strives to be the best mother for her children.""

"There is no human who loves you more than your mother. And she still willingly loves you even though she is not the one you love the most."

80 Kata-kata Mutiara Ibu Menyentuh Hati, Buat Makin Rindu dan Ingin Memeluknya

"When the heart is uncertain, guard your tongue from speaking. Sometimes silence plays an important role in not hurting someone." "Stepmothers are not as bad as portrayed in soap operas." - Arumi E "When everyone insults and distances themselves from you because of your defeat, but at that time your mother never distanced herself or felt ashamed to stay with you." "A mother's love is the most calming. It is not abundant and soothing like an oasis in a long and barren field." "Your parents never wanted you to become like them, but they wanted you to become better than them."

"Being a righteous child and never hurting the hearts of our parents is the most desired thing by our parents."

80 Kata-kata Mutiara Ibu Menyentuh Hati, Buat Makin Rindu dan Ingin Memeluknya

"Life is a choice that you decide. If you don't want to look foolish, don't do foolish things." "Always try to encourage the morning, even father always seems enthusiastic, even though life feels heavy." "My child, don't be sad even though earlier Mother hugged you for just a moment, because what you need to know is that a MOTHER'S HEART hugs you forever." "And a mother's love is like this life, without you asking, without you needing it, it will surely come by itself."

"When you are happy in your life, your mother never asks you to share your happiness with her, but when you are hurt, your mother always comes to receive a part of your pain."

80 Kata-kata Mutiara Ibu Menyentuh Hati, Buat Makin Rindu dan Ingin Memeluknya

"Do not be afraid to make a mistake. But make sure you don't make the same mistake twice." -Akio Morita "Do not forget God when you are happy, for in your difficult times, God will make the path easier." "Do not think that there is not enough time to show how much you care." "We can hope, but not dream in vain, try to make it real, even if not perfect." "Do not expect too much luck, because luck will not come to those who are not willing to make an effort."

"Mother who loves you so much hears what you say and even understands what you haven't said yet."

80 Kata-kata Mutiara Ibu Menyentuh Hati, Buat Makin Rindu dan Ingin Memeluknya

"A mother is someone who can replace everyone else but whose place cannot be taken by anyone else." (Cardinal Mermillod)"Countless are the songs you sing to lull me to sleep, for a simple thank you is not enough to repay them. Congratulations on being the greatest mother in my life."I love you every day. And now, I will miss you every day."I cry endlessly when mother leaves, but I promise, I will not let tears ruin the smile you gave me when you were still here.""

"I have never seen anyone as strong as you, I have never seen anyone as resilient as you, I hope one day I can be like you, I Love You Mama."

80 Kata-kata Mutiara Ibu Menyentuh Hati, Buat Makin Rindu dan Ingin Memeluknya

"I am grateful for everything you have taught me, and I am thankful to be able to call you 'Mother'. I love you, Mother." "Never ignore the condition of your father and mother while they are still here, because when they are no longer here, you will feel the emptiness of your days without them." "This feeling, it tortures me, it's hard to get rid of it and it keeps growing, yes it is longing for you, Mother." "I was about to give up if I didn't hear a word of longing from you."

"Oh my mother, you are the woman I have loved all my life. Forgive your child if there are any mistakes. Your selfless sacrifices are unmatched." (Sakha, Mother)"

80 Kata-kata Mutiara Ibu Menyentuh Hati, Buat Makin Rindu dan Ingin Memeluknya

"World and life change from day to day, from year to year, but your love and memories will never fade away." "I believe in love at first sight, because I have loved my mother since I opened my eyes." "Mother, allow me to embrace your heart, so that I can feel what you feel from the pain that doesn't cry. You are the angel hiding its wings, mother." "May what you have given me be repaid with the best reward by God. Happy Mother's Day, mom."

"Difficult to say, inexpressible. It becomes painful if I don't say it, Mom, I miss you."

80 Kata-kata Mutiara Ibu Menyentuh Hati, Buat Makin Rindu dan Ingin Memeluknya

"Mama, the most comfortable place to ask for a hug of peace." "A mother's hug lasts a long time even after she has let go." "When a mother cries, believe me, her heart is deeply wounded. And believe me, she doesn't hate you even a bit." "Only a mother can understand the condition of her children." "No matter how smart you are, a mother will always say 'Never stop listening to advice' because the heart will be blind if it loses advice."

"\u201cOf all the rights possessed by women, the most special is the right to become a mother.\u201d"

80 Kata-kata Mutiara Ibu Menyentuh Hati, Buat Makin Rindu dan Ingin Memeluknya

"Take a little time to always pray to Father and Mother, they are the source of peace in your distress." "There is truly nothing more longing than Mother. Love her while there is still time." "A mother's heart is a classroom where her child learns." "Whatever you have done, whatever your mistakes, you will always find forgiveness in a mother's heart." "A mother can replace anyone, but no one can ever replace her." "The warmth of a mother's embrace cannot be matched. I miss you."

"With full love and sacrifice, mother is the reason we exist. Greeting the world for a new chapter of life."

80 Kata-kata Mutiara Ibu Menyentuh Hati, Buat Makin Rindu dan Ingin Memeluknya

"Being a full-time housewife is a job with the highest salary, because the salary received is pure love." "The warmth of a mother's embrace cannot be compared to anything else. I miss you." "Mother, teach me about sincere sacrifice; so that I understand that sadness is a lesson about happiness." "Oh Mother, until the end of time, you will always be my greatest hero." "As melodious as the rustling of the wind, my mother's voice is even more melodious. Even though now, I can only hear the rustling of the wind."

"My mother is a true warrior. You are an angel with unmatched sincerity."

80 Kata-kata Mutiara Ibu Menyentuh Hati, Buat Makin Rindu dan Ingin Memeluknya

"O Lord, protect the faces of my mother and father from the fire of hell, O Allah. Make them as happy as they made me when I was a child."O Allah, the Most Merciful, if there is a second chance, I want to serve my mother even more. Forgive me, O Lord, for I have wronged myself."Even though she may get tired sometimes, a mother always wants her child to be happy. Because to her, they are everything."You only have one mother in this world. Don't wait for tomorrow to tell her that you love her.""

"A mother's love is the inspiration that enables someone to do amazing things." - AidiMs"

80 Kata-kata Mutiara Ibu Menyentuh Hati, Buat Makin Rindu dan Ingin Memeluknya

"Once my morning was like a pearl because I always saw the bright face and appearance of Mama. Now, that story is just a memory." "Express gratitude for having an extraordinary mother. A sincere hug can represent all words.""

"Mother's Words in English and Their Meanings"

"I've always known that, as long as I've lived, you're the reason I feel so lucky to be born into this family." (Aku selalu tahu bahwa, selama aku hidup, kau adalah alasan aku merasa amat beruntung terlahir di keluarga ini.) "Thank you for being such a great mom. We hope you know how loved you are. We love you sooo much!" (Terima kasih sudah menjadi ibu yang hebat. Kami harap kau tahu betapa dicintainya dirimu. Kami sangaaat mencintaimu!)

""Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws." (Terkadang kekuatan keibuan lebih besar dari hukum alam.) - Barbara Kingsolver"

80 Kata-kata Mutiara Ibu Menyentuh Hati, Buat Makin Rindu dan Ingin Memeluknya


"With love to an amazing lady, from someone who hopes to be as amazing someday. Thank you for being such an important person in my life."

(Dengan cinta, kepada seorang wanita hebat, dari seseorang yang berharap bisa menjadi sama hebatnya suatu hari. Terima kasih sudah menjadi sosok penting dalam hidupku.)

"If I had a single flower for every time I think of you, I could walk forever in my garden."

(Jika aku memiliki satu bunga untuk setiap kali memikirkanmu, aku bisa berjalan selamanya di kebunku.) - Claudia Ghandi


"You're my one and only mom, and I will always have a special place in my heart for you." (Kau adalah ibuku satu-satunya, dan aku akan selalu memiliki tempat spesial di hatiku untukmu.)

80 Kata-kata Mutiara Ibu Menyentuh Hati, Buat Makin Rindu dan Ingin Memeluknya


Dear Mom, i may not like you always. We may have arguments and fights sometimes. But there's one thing that you should know, i love you always and forever.

(Dear Mama, bisa jadi aku tidak selalu menyukaimu. Kita mungkin pernah berargumen dan kadang bertengkar. Tapi ada satu hal yang harus mama tahu, aku mencintaimu selalu dan selamanya.)

Raising me took a lot of patience. Thanks for everything that you've done and given to me.

(Membesarkanku membutuhkan banyak kesabaran. Terima kasih untuk segalanya yang telah kau lakukan dan berikan padaku.)"

"You're the best listener, the best cook, the best friend, the best mother I could ever ask for." (Kau adalah pendengar terbaik, koki terbaik, teman terbaik, dan ibu terbaik yang bisa ku minta.) "God knew what He was doing when He made you a mother. He knew you'd be the best one ever." (Tuhan tahu apa yang Ia kerjakan ketika Ia menjadikanmu seorang ibu. Dia tahu kau akan menjadi yang terbaik.)

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