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Bumil Wajib Tahu, Begini Cara Mengoptimalkan Pertumbuhan Janin dalam Kandungan

Pregnancy is the most joyful news for the warriors of the two blue lines. When finally the new life arrives, it is certainly welcomed with enthusiasm by the prospective parents. While going through pregnancy, it is important for mothers to start adopting a healthy lifestyle that supports the development of the fetus in the womb. Did you know, mothers, that the development of a child begins in the womb? So, mothers have an important role in determining the right initial steps for the development of their beloved child.

To support optimal fetal development, here are some things that need to be done by mothers since entering the early trimester of pregnancy. What are they?



Increase Vitamin C intake in the early trimester of pregnancy

Entering the early trimester of pregnancy, pregnant women need 80-100mg of vitamin C intake every day. This is apparently very important to optimize the growth of perfect bones and teeth for the child.

Perbanyak Asupan Vitamin C di Trimester Awal Kehamilan

So, in order to support optimal fetal development, include foods that contain vitamin C in your daily menu. For example, by consuming fruits such as oranges, strawberries, or vegetables like broccoli.

"Besides being good for the fetus in the womb, intake of vitamin C can also help improve the immune system of pregnant mothers."


"Avoid Foods with High Glycemic Index"

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "The selection of food consumed greatly affects the condition of pregnant women and the fetus in their womb. One thing to note is that pregnant women should avoid foods with high glycemic index levels in order to maintain blood sugar balance."

During pregnancy, certain hormonal changes can also affect increased blood sugar levels. This balance condition is very important because high blood sugar levels can risk complications for both the mother and the baby. Additionally, with normal blood sugar levels, it can also help alleviate the common morning sickness. So, the absorption of energy for pregnant women will be more optimal.

Well, there are several types of food that contain high glycemic index such as white rice, sweet snacks, and bread made from flour.

It is recommended for pregnant women to increase consumption of green vegetables, tubers, or fruits such as apples and pears which have lower glycemic index levels.


"Minimize Stress"

Stress is a normal condition that occurs in humans. However, pregnant women should be able to manage stress well for the sake of the beloved baby's development. Because stress can cause hormonal changes that disrupt the condition of the placenta, including affecting the development of the fetal brain.

So, it is important to learn the proper methods to reduce stress.
For example, by giving a massage to oneself, inhaling aromatherapy, or practicing meditation to become more relaxed.

Remember that if the pregnant woman is happy, then the fetus in the womb will also be happy!


"Sufficient Intake of Food containing DHA"

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is a type of omega-3 fatty acid that is an important component in the development of the fetus in the womb. This substance is known for its extraordinary benefits in supporting the brain development of children, supporting their vision organs during pregnancy, and even preventing premature birth of the fetus.

"For pregnant women, DHA is also very important to prevent preeclampsia or pregnancy complications. In addition, this substance can also help prevent postpartum depression that is prone to occur after giving birth. Well, DHA intake can be obtained by consuming foods such as mackerel or salmon, soybeans, eggs, and nuts."

Olahraga Rutin

"Routine Exercise"

Conditions of an enlarged stomach and a heavy body often make pregnant women lazy to move. But, for the optimal development of the fetus, it is really important to exercise regularly! During exercise, the baby will receive more oxygen flow, which makes the body's metabolism smoother. In addition, regular physical exercise can help with relaxation and train the strength of the pregnant woman's muscles, which will be very beneficial in supporting the birthing process.

"Meet Pregnant Women's Nutritional Intake Through Pregnancy Milk"

Given that the growth of a child's brain begins in the womb, it is extremely important for expectant mothers to ensure that their nutritional needs are well met. In addition to daily food intake, regularly consuming pregnancy milk is also a suitable option. Make sure that the pregnancy milk consumed contains various nutrients and essential nutrients to maintain the health of the expectant mother while supporting the development of the beloved child.

Bumil Wajib Tahu, Begini Cara Mengoptimalkan Pertumbuhan Janin dalam Kandungan

Like vidoran Mother who contains the imunUp formula and enriched with Cod Liver Oil to support the mother's immune system and the optimal growth and development of the fetus.

Cod Liver Oil itself is known to be rich in essential fatty acids Omega 3 (DHA & EPA) and also natural vitamin A and D, which are important nutrients in the formation and growth of brain tissue and retina of the baby's eyes. In addition, it helps maintain the mother's immune system during pregnancy. Not only that, Ibunda Vidoran is also equipped with folic acid, low sucrose, and vitamin B6 which reduce the usual morning sickness that occurs in pregnant women during pregnancy.

Come on, it's time to support the growth and development of the fetus in the womb with the right habits and nutritional intake so that #ReadyToBeGreatTogether with vidoran Ibunda. Find more information about the product by clicking here.

Author: Wuri Anggarini

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