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<br>Krisis Populasi di Negeri Ginseng, Presiden Korsel: Waktunya Hampir Habis<br>

Population Crisis in the Land of Ginseng, South Korean President: Time is Running Out.

Krisis Populasi di Negeri Ginseng, Presiden Korsel: Waktunya Hampir Habis

Dream - Two countries in East Asia that have been experiencing population crises since a few years ago until the end of 2023, namely Japan and South Korea. The local governments are implementing various methods to address this issue.

Krisis Populasi di Negeri Ginseng, Presiden Korsel: Waktunya Hampir Habis

"For the situation in South Korea (Korsel), President Yoon Suk Yeol urged his staff to immediately seek solutions. Several policy measures have actually been made."

Krisis Populasi di Negeri Ginseng, Presiden Korsel: Waktunya Hampir Habis

"Unfortunately, the policies that have been made have not been able to motivate the younger generation in South Korea to get married and have children. "

"The low birth rate issue requires us to address it more seriously and reflect on the causes and solutions from different dimensions than before," said South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, as quoted from Yonhap.

Krisis Populasi di Negeri Ginseng, Presiden Korsel: Waktunya Hampir Habis

President Yoon revealed the continuous decline in birth rates due to intense competition, such as education.

The South Korean Statistical Office stated that the birth rate in the third quarter of 2023 is only 0.73. That number is far below the required standard of 2.1 for a stable population of 51 million. "Time is running out. I hope every government agency approaches the issue of low birth rates with extraordinary determination," he said.

The government's solution offered by President Yoon is reform in the pension, workforce, and education sectors. President Yoon also requested that government agencies execute tasks from the government budget, which was just passed by the South Korean parliament last week.

"Young Koreans Are Lazy to Start a Family"

South Korea is experiencing a demographic crisis after new data revealed the low fertility rate in the country, which is nicknamed the ginseng country. According to recently released statistics by Statistics Korea, there were 249,000 babies born in the year 2022.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The number has experienced a decrease of 4.4 percent from previous years and noted that this is the third consecutive year that the death rate has exceeded the birth rate in the fourth largest economy in Asia. "The average number of babies expected per woman in South Korea during her reproductive years has dropped to 0.78 in 2022, down from 0.81 the previous year," said the report, cited from Aljazeera."

Krisis Populasi di Negeri Ginseng, Presiden Korsel: Waktunya Hampir Habis

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The figure is the lowest record ever experienced by South Korea since 1970. This makes South Korea the only country in the world with a fertility rate below one."

It is recorded that the population of South Korea began to decline for the first time in 2021, and it is projected to further decrease to 38 million by 2070. Experts analyze that the birth rate must reach at least 2.1 to maintain the country's population stability with 52 million people.

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The declining birth rate has raised concerns that a declining population could severely damage South Korea's economy due to a shortage of workforce and the swelling of welfare budgets as the number of elderly people increases and taxpayers decrease. The funds spent on pension budgets are feared to drain the country's economy in the coming decades. Source:"

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