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Portrait of Transformation of Old House into Cool Tropical Nuanced

Portrait of Transformation of Old House into Cool Tropical Nuanced

Portrait of Old House Transformation into Cool Tropical-themed Home

Dream - Renovating a house certainly takes a considerable amount of time and money. It not only drains the budget, but also the mental state, as there are always obstacles and problems that arise during the renovation process.

Portrait of Old House Transformation into Cool Tropical-themed Home

When seeing the renovation results according to the desires and the dwelling becomes very comfortable and pleasing to the eye, satisfaction certainly arises. The portraits of the transformation before and after also become very interesting to be seen.

Portrait of Old House Transformation into Cool Tropical-themed Home

Like the documentation of the house renovation owned by Instagram owner IG @bonuseshuis. Initially, the house was an old building with remaining land on the side.

Portrait of Old House Transformation into Cool Tropical-themed Home

The empty land was then transformed into a bedroom building with folding glass doors overlooking the family room and garden, which is so beautiful. The terrace area is transformed into a very bright and spacious family room, as it applies an open concept.

Portrait of Old House Transformation into Cool Tropical-themed Home

Seen from the side, the old appearance of this house, the terrace which is now a family room is only covered by a canopy. Meanwhile, the side part is a small garden and an open area.

Portrait of Old House Transformation into Cool Tropical-themed Home
Portrait of Old House Transformation into Cool Tropical-themed Home

The result, the garden is covered with synthetic grass carpet. For the wall part, permanent pots are made that extend, making the house look beautiful. The family room, which was originally a terrace, is enclosed with glass doors, making it very bright.

Portrait of Old House Transformation into Cool Tropical-themed Home

It can be seen in the photo above, the empty land on the side and facing the garden, has drastically transformed into the main bedroom.

Portrait of Old House Transformation into Cool Tropical-themed Home

The concept remains a natural vibe with a tropical nuance. The floor of the room is chosen with wood-patterned ceramic tiles that give a warm and comfortable impression. Glass doors seem to be the choice because they want to connect to the garden and family area with minimal partitions.

Portrait of Old House Transformation into Cool Tropical-themed Home

The result is a spacious dwelling with a dominant tropical atmosphere. The choice of tall trees near the walls creates a very lush ambiance for the house.

Portrait of Old House Transformation into Cool Tropical-themed Home

When the weather is cool like in the morning and afternoon, the glass doors are opened and the atmosphere of this living room looks so spacious. Bright with soft tropical colors that make you feel relaxed. It could be an idea for home renovation, Dream Friends.

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