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Tantrum Child When Going to School? Here are 7 Tips to Keep Your Little One's Spirit Up!

Waking up children in the morning to get ready for school often becomes a challenging moment for parents. It is not uncommon for the child to show signs of reluctance, even crying and throwing tantrums when reminded to leave quickly. This phenomenon certainly causes concern, as the child's laziness to go to school can stem from various factors, such as declining interest in learning, excessive extracurricular activities, or even health problems such as fatigue and vision impairments. If left unchecked, this reluctance has the potential to trigger negative impacts on the child's development, both academically and socially. Considering the magnitude of the risks faced, this should be a full concern for parents. Here are seven effective steps that you can apply to cultivate enthusiasm for your child to continue going to school:

1. Dengarkan Anak dengan Empati<br>

1. Listen to Children with Empathy

The first way to make your beloved child motivated again is by listening to their story with a high sense of empathy. Try to understand what might be causing the child to feel lazy about going to school.

Is there a problem with his friends? Are they having difficulties in certain subjects? By actively listening, parents can understand the root of the problem. If the child is shy to talk, you can also use supportive body language, such as maintaining eye contact when meeting, nodding when he asks something, and showing facial expressions that indicate interest can encourage the child to be more open.

2. Diskusi tentang Impian<br>

2. Discussion about Dreams

Invite children to talk about what they want to achieve in life. Maybe they dream of becoming doctors, writers, athletes, or other professions. Discuss how the current education can help realize those dreams. That way, the child can think and regain their enthusiasm.  

Start by inviting your child to take a leisurely stroll together. Visit their favorite places or enjoy the food they like. This relaxed atmosphere will make your child feel comfortable, making it easier for you to initiate conversations and explore their thoughts.

3. Invite to Rest

The third way to encourage children to regain their enthusiasm for going to school is to try inviting them to take a break. Children who throw tantrums when going to school may feel too much pressure in their studies, leading to laziness. Make sure they have time to rest and relax. Give them the opportunity to pursue hobbies, play, and socialize with friends.

4. Temukan Metode Pembelajaran<br>

4. Find Learning Methods

"Every child definitely has a different learning style. Some children find it easier to understand with a visual approach, while others prefer practical learning. Therefore, as parents, strive to find a learning method that suits your child's learning style. Here are some learning methods that can be applied: "

1. Auditory Learning Style Children with an auditory learning style absorb information optimally through hearing. They find it easier to understand learning materials that are delivered orally. As a parent, you can engage your child in discussions about their study materials to support their learning process. 2. Visual Learning Style Children with a visual learning style tend to be interested in interesting pictures. To support this learning style, provide illustrated and colorful books. This approach will facilitate the child in absorbing and understanding the information provided.

3. Kinesthetic In addition to visual and audio, the kinesthetic learning style also needs to be considered. Children with this learning style tend to enjoy activities that involve a lot of movement. If your child is suitable for the kinesthetic learning style, consider enrolling them in a school that implements the 'active learning' system. This method allows students to learn actively and independently, according to their needs.

5. Encourage Active Participation

Next, to inspire children's learning spirit, involve them actively in the learning process. Let them ask questions, work on projects, and express their opinions. This can enhance children's sense of responsibility towards their education.

6. Ciptakan Lingkungan Belajar Menyenangkan <br>

6. Create a Fun Learning Environment

Creating a fun learning environment can also make children more enthusiastic about school. Use various sources such as books, videos, and educational games to make learning more interesting and entertaining. Here are some easy ways to create an enjoyable learning environment:

1. Classroom design: Arrange the learning space with bright colors and attractive decorations. Add elements that reflect the child's interests, such as posters of favorite characters or themes they like. 2. Variation of learning methods: Use various methods such as group discussions, creative projects, or simple experiments to avoid boredom. 3. Interactive technology: Utilize educational apps or online learning platforms that offer interactive content and educational games. 4. Learning outdoors: Occasionally hold learning sessions in the park or other interesting places to provide a new atmosphere. 5. Rewards system: Implement a simple reward system to motivate children, such as stickers or points that can be exchanged for small prizes.

7. Give Unconditional Support

Show unconditional support to your child. Convey that you are always there to support them, including when they experience learning difficulties. This will provide a sense of security and boost your child's confidence. Those are the 7 steps to make your child more enthusiastic about going to school. Maintaining your child's enthusiasm for school is not an easy task. However, by consistently implementing the seven steps above, parents can help restore their child's joy in learning. Prioritize an approach full of love and strive for the best solutions according to each individual's needs and characteristics. Author: Zahra Utami Putri

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