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Glenn Alinskie and Chelsea Olivia Create a New 'Money Machine': Introducing Safe Detergent for Children
Glenn Alinskie and Chelsea Olivia Create a New 'Money Machine': Introducing Safe Detergent for Children Photo: Chelsea Olivia & Glenn Alinskie

Dream - Allergies in children are not always caused by food or drinks consumed, Dream Friends. You also need to pay attention to the cleanliness and freshness of the clothes your little one wears.

It is possible that the clothes they wear still contain stubborn bacteria and germs that can disrupt the health of the baby's skin.

Apparently, this is also a concern for celebrity couple Glenn Alinskie and Chelsea Olivia in maintaining the health of their two children, Nastusha and Dante. 

It is known that Glenn and Chelsea's two children have sensitive skin and are prone to allergies to certain ingredients.

Starting from this concern, the couple who married in 2015 decided to develop a detergent specifically formulated for sensitive-skinned children.

Last Saturday, May 27, 2023, Glenn and Chelsea as the owners of Naturein Essentia Indonesia introduced their latest product named Genta Mild Laundry Detergent.

Chelsea Olivia & Glenn Alinskie

According to Chelsea, Genta Mild Laundry Detergent has undergone clinical trials and has been proven safe for washing clothes for children with sensitive skin.

"Why Glenn and I made this, because we have children so we want our products to be safe for our children. And this product is like a gift from parents to their children," said Chelsea Olivia at Youreka Kids Farm, Kuningan City, Jakarta.

Chelsea Olivia

"We made this because our children's doctor reminded us of the importance of choosing a good detergent," she continued.

In the manufacturing process, Glenn and Chelsea paid great attention to detail to obtain certification from abroad.

"So in Genta, we use natural ingredients and we also obtained certification from abroad that we are hypoallergenic, so it doesn't trigger any allergies in anyone's body, and it has been tested and proven, so it's not just a claim," explained Glenn.

Chelsea Olivia

They also said that when introducing Genta Mild Laundry Detergent to the public for marketing, they had already spent more than a year on product development.

In addition to ensuring that the ingredients used do not contain irritants such as SLES, SLS, Parabens, and Dyes, Chelsea also ensures that their detergent product still provides maximum results in terms of cleanliness, removing stains, and producing a pleasant fragrance.

"This is our longest-standing product because of high demand. We want it to be used by everyone, even those with sensitive skin, but also difficult to make it smell good. We want to create a detergent that is safe for newborns, can remove stains, and also smells good," she explained.


Chelsea Olivia

The 30-year-old woman hopes that with the access to information that can be obtained thanks to technological advancements, parents can be more aware of the harmful ingredients that still exist in products for children.

For her, this is important because it will have a long-term impact on their growth and development.

"We can't protect them (children) for their whole lives, but what we can do is protect them from an early age, such as providing them with good nutrition, inside and out," concluded Chelsea.

This detergent product has become a new 'money machine' for Glenn Alinskie and Chelsea Olivia. It is known that they already have other businesses. Although they rarely appear on television, this celebrity couple is known for their success in building businesses.

Here are Glenn Alinskie and Chelsea Olivia's business ventures that have become sources of their wealth.

Entertainment Industry

It is no secret that both Glenn Alinskie and Chelsea Olivia are Indonesian celebrities. In fact, they were brought together through a TV series. Although not as frequent as before, this celebrity couple is still active in the entertainment industry in Indonesia.

They are still seen in several TV series. Not only that, this couple, who got married in 2015, also often appear in TV commercials. It's no wonder that the entertainment industry is one of the sources of their wealth.





Like other artists, Glenn and Chelsea don't want to miss out on the business world. As parents to Bridget Nastusha Olivia Alinskie, they have also ventured into the trendy culinary business. In fact, their culinary business has successfully opened branches in several areas.

If counted, they already have 5 culinary brands owned by Glenn Alinskie and Chelsea Olivia. These five brands include Semarang Wife Cake, Menteri Indonesia, Rasa Lokal, Happy Nash, and Lamington Pontianak.



After the success of their culinary business, Glenn Alinskie tried to enter the property business. As reported by, Glenn's first project is Keraton Village. This property, located in Cirebon, West Java, is located in a strategic area.

Keraton Village is close to public facilities such as hospitals, schools, and shopping centers. Not only that, Keraton Village is also equipped with several exclusive facilities such as 24-hour security, places of worship, a one-gate system, and a jogging track. It is known that the cluster prices in Keraton Village start at around Rp300 million.

Clothing Line

Previously, Glenn Alinskie also had a clothing line business. Unlike his other businesses, this time Glenn Alinskie collaborated with his brother.

Glenn Alinskie's clothing line is named Alinskie Brothers. In this business, Chelsea Olivia's husband chose to adopt a casual clothing concept. Interestingly, Glenn Alinskie still incorporates batik elements in every garment.



Being considered role models by the majority of the public, Glenn Alinskie and Chelsea Olivia are flooded with endorsement offers. Yes, this Indonesian celebrity couple often receives product endorsements.

As seen on their Instagram accounts, they have promoted a series of products. From clothes to bags and more. Even their child, Nastusha, also frequently receives endorsements along with her parents.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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