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Natasha Rizky Finally Speaks Out About Desta's Relationship with Gege Elisa
Natasha Rizky Finally Speaks Out About Desta's Relationship with Gege Elisa Desta and Natasha Rizki

Dream - Natasha Rizky said that the cracks in their marriage were not caused by the presence of a third party. She also denied allegations that her husband, Desta, was having an affair with Gege Elisa.

"It's all slander, it's all not true," said Natasha Rizki at the South Jakarta Religious Court on Monday, May 29, 2023.

According to Natasha, during their ten years of marriage, Desta has been a good person. Natasha added that Desta always loves his family.

"Desta is a good person, he is very good to his family, so please don't slander him with strange things," said Natasha Rizki with a trembling voice.

Natasha Rizki

That's why Natasha asks everyone to stop and not discuss the false news anymore. Because, she and Desta divorced because of differences in principles, not because of a third party.

"I beg you, the news that is spread is not true, I am a living witness for ten years, Desta is a very good person and loves us, me and the children," she said. 

Meanwhile, Desta also confirmed that there was no third party involved in their marriage. He said that the news about his relationship with Gege Elisa was purely slander.

"I've said it's slander, what else needs to be clarified. Slander means it's not true, that's enough," said Desta.

No Chance of Reconciliation, Desta and Natasha Rizki Agree to Divorce

Dream - The first trial of Desta Mahendra and Natasha Rizki's divorce case, which was scheduled for mediation, was held at the South Jakarta Religious Court on Monday, May 29, 2023. Based on the results of the trial, they agreed to proceed with the divorce.

"We have agreed, hopefully this is for the best. I and Desta have agreed to continue the trial," said Natasha Rizki.

Similarly, Desta agreed to divorce Natasha Rizki. Moreover, they have been separated for a year and it is impossible for them to reunite.


"We also agreed to separate, there is no need to make a fuss," said Desta.

On the other hand, regarding their good relationship, especially when they recently attended Enzy Storia's wedding, Desta said that their relationship with his wife is still good until now.

"I still talk to Caca (Natasha), there are no problems," he added.

The next trial will be held on June 12, 2023, with the agenda of reading the mediation results.

United in Attending the Divorce Trial with Desta, Natasha Rizki Asks for Prayers

Dream - The first trial of Desta and Natasha Rizky's divorce was held at the South Jakarta Religious Court on Monday, May 29, 2023. Desta and Natasha Rizky attended the trial together.

They did not arrive in the same car. Desta came wearing a black shirt and black sunglasses with his attorney, Hendra Siregar.

The famous presenter arrived without giving any comments. He went straight into the courtroom.

Meanwhile, Natasha Rizky, who arrived earlier, appeared wearing a gray hijab and maroon dress.


She asked for prayers for the smooth running of the divorce trial today. "Please pray," said Natasha Rizky.

The first trial of this divorce case is scheduled for mediation. If there is no resolution in this trial, it will continue to the next agenda.

First Trial of Divorce Held Today, Desta Confirmed to Attend

Dream - The first trial of Desta and Natasha Rizky's divorce case was held at the South Jakarta Religious Court on Monday, May 29, 2023. The agenda of this trial is mediation.

Hendra Siregar, Desta's attorney, confirmed that his client would attend this first trial.

"It seems like he will attend, my client has confirmed," said Hendra Siregar when contacted.

Desta and Natasha Rizky

Meanwhile, Natasha Rizky has not confirmed her attendance at the trial today. Her attorney, Rully Agung, has not received confirmation of her client's presence.

"I cannot confirm whether she will come or not yet," said Rully Agung.

Desta filed for divorce against Natasha at the South Jakarta Religious Court. The reason for their divorce is the lack of compatibility.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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