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Portrait of Cut Tari and Richard Kevin's Family, Not Blood-Related but Strong as Siblings
Portrait of Cut Tari and Richard Kevin's Family, Not Blood-Related but Strong as Siblings Cut Tari and her children, photo: instagram @cuttaryofficial

Dream - Cut Tari and Richard Kevin's household has never been hit by negative rumors since they got married in 20019.

Their family life even appears harmonious after photos of their two daughters from their previous marriages circulated, showing them as close as siblings.

It is known that Cut Tari has one child named Sydney from her marriage to her ex-husband, Yusuf Subrata. Meanwhile, Richard Kevin, who was previously married to Ida Helena, has two children, Channelle Leslie and Richard Kingston.

Here are portraits of Cut Tari and Richard Kevin's closeness in taking care of their children.

1. Family Gathering

cut tari

Cut Tari and Richard Kevin are seen working together to raise their children from their previous marriages.

2. Harmonious

cut tari

Cut Tari, Richard Kevin, and their children also spend a lot of time together as a family. Including during Cut Tari's birthday.

3. Spending Time Together

cut tari

Although their children have grown up, there doesn't seem to be any conflict between them. They even appear to be very close and often spend time together for dinner.

4. Like Siblings

cut tari

Not blood-related, but the relationship between Sydney and Channelle Leslie is like siblings who share the same blood.

5. Vacation Together

cut tari

They also often go on vacations together, including a recent trip to Bali.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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