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Sahrul Gunawan's Portrait Gets Birthday Surprise from His Wife, His Expression of Surprise is Epic
Sahrul Gunawan's Portrait Gets Birthday Surprise from His Wife, His Expression of Surprise is Epic TikToker Successfully Loses Weight. (Source: TikTok @ekkafitrie)

Dream - After the happy moment of marriage in early May, senior artist and politician Sahrul Gunawan is once again filled with happiness. As a newlywed, Sahrul just celebrated his 47th birthday on May 23rd.

This birthday moment feels different because Sahrul can celebrate it with his newlywed partner whom he married on May 6, 2023.

In his latest post on social media, Sahrul appeared surprised when he received a birthday surprise from his wife, Dine Mutiara. Happiness is also clearly reflected in his face which always displays a radiant smile.

Curious about how Sahrul Gunawan's exciting moment at his birthday celebration? Let's take a look at the photos and the following review.


Sahrul Gunawan's Birthday Portrait

Photo: @sahrulgunawanofficial

In a video uploaded by Sahrul on his Instagram page, he couldn't believe that he would receive a romantic surprise from his wife on his birthday. 

Sweet Kiss from His Wife

Sahrul Gunawan's Birthday Portrait

Photo: @sahrulgunawanofficial

In his 47th birthday surprise moment, Sahrul also showed his romantic moment with his wife by giving a warm hug and a sweet kiss. 

Blowing the Candle

Sahrul Gunawan's Birthday Portrait

Photo: @sahrulgunawanofficial

The happiness expression was clearly seen on the face of the man born in 1976 throughout his birthday celebration. Starting from blowing the candle, cutting the cake, to taking photos together. 

Photo with Family

Sahrul Gunawan's Birthday Portrait

Photo: @sahrulgunawanofficial

Not forgetting, the actor who is now venturing into the world of politics also took the time to capture the moments of his birthday with his wife and closest family. 

Harvesting Congratulations

Sahrul Gunawan's Birthday Portrait

Photo: @sahrulgunawanofficial

Turning 47 years old on May 23, 2023, Sahrul's video post on his social media page was immediately filled with many birthday greetings from netizens. 

" Barakallahu fii umrik pak wabup @sahrulgunawanofficial may the remaining years of your life be more blessed," said @iam_guns21

" Happy birthday to my childhood idol," added @yaumas_albukhori

Report: Siti Annisa Rahmani 

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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