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3 Perkara yang Paling Dibenci Allah SWT, Dianggap Sepele tapi Banyak Manusia Terjebak

3 Things Most Hated by Allah SWT, Considered Trivial but Many People Fall into

Dream - Muslims should have been carrying out the commandments and avoiding things that are detested by Allah SWT in order to gain His blessings in living their lives. However, humans as creatures who are not free from mistakes often unknowingly fall into the trap of Satan's temptations, leading them to make mistakes and commit sins.

3 Things that Allah SWT Hates the Most, Considered Trivial but Many People Fall into
3 Things that Allah SWT Hates the Most, Considered Trivial but Many People Fall into

From various forms of sins and transgressions, there are three things that are greatly disliked by Allah. Humans may consider these actions trivial. However, in His perspective, these three actions are highly undesirable.

"Allah SWT has revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW to call upon his people to stay away from three things that He dislikes. What actions fall under the category of things disliked by Allah SWT? Let us briefly observe the teachings conveyed by Prophet Muhammad SAW in the following Hadith: Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said, 'Verily, Allah is pleased with three things for you and He dislikes three things for you. He is pleased that you worship Him alone and do not associate anything with Him, and that you hold fast to the rope of Allah altogether and do not divide. And He dislikes for you gossip, excessive questioning, and the wasting of wealth.' (Narrated by Muslim)"

From Abu Hurairah ra, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said:
"Indeed, Allah loves three things and hates three things. (1) Allah loves you worshiping Him and not associating anything with Him; (2) you hold firmly to His religion, and (3) you do not divide. And Allah hates you for (1) saying something with an unclear source, (2) asking too many questions, and (3) wasting wealth."

"(HR. Muslim)" translates to "(Narrated by Muslim)" in English.


"The Things that are Hated by Allah SWT"

With the clear teachings that have been written, Muslims should already have guidance to avoid the things that Allah SWT despises.1. Spreading Unclear News SourcesThe first thing that Allah SWT despises is qila wa qala or spreading news or information that has unclear origins. Whatever the information may be, whether it is through oral communication or through social media, its source should be explained.

Especially in this fast-paced era like now, any information, no matter how small, can easily be obtained but sometimes the source is unclear. If we're not careful, we can be trapped in spreading information that leads to slander. This is why Allah hates people who convey information without clear sources and truthfulness. This action can cause someone to suffer losses, anxiety, and even damage the brotherhood.

"Allah SWT said:"
"Indeed, those who spread false news are from your own group. Do not think that false news is bad for you, in fact, it is good for you. Each one of them will receive punishment for the sins they have committed. And whoever among them plays the biggest role in spreading false news, for him there is a great punishment."

"(Quran Surah An-Nur verse 11)"


2. Asking Too Many Unnecessary Questions

The matter that is disliked by Allah SWT next is asking too many unnecessary questions that will only cause difficulties. However, if one asks more about knowledge and other beneficial things, then this is allowed and even encouraged.

3 Things that Allah SWT Hates the Most, Considered Trivial but Many People Fall into

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Rasulullah SAW said: “If I answer yes, it will burden you. Leave (do not ask) about something that I leave.” Rasulullah SAW also said: “The silence (of the law) is a mercy for you, so do not ask.”"

3 Things that Allah SWT Hates the Most, Considered Trivial but Many People Fall into

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: The attitude of asking too many unnecessary questions is similar to the behavior of the Children of Israel, as recorded in Surah Al-Baqarah about the golden calf. The questions of the Children of Israel actually made it more difficult for them to find the requested calf.

3. Wasting Wealth

Wasting wealth and using money for things that are not beneficial is something that is greatly hated by Allah SWT. Living in luxury but not being able to utilize wealth for beneficial things is mere futility. It is better to use wealth for things that bring benefits such as charity, zakat, and alms-giving.

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