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"4 New Species of Octopus Found in the Deep Sea, Never Before Seen"

4 New Species of Octopus Discovered in the Deep Sea, Never Seen Before

Costa Rica witnessed a miracle as a new generation of sea octopuses slowly emerged from a series of elongated and transparent eggs that vibrated. Now, researchers have confirmed that they belong to a new unnamed species, dubbed "Dorado octopus". Additionally, they also announced the discovery of three new deep-sea octopus species.

"Discovering four new species of octopus in just two expeditions is an exciting thing, revealing the richness of marine biodiversity and suggesting that there are still many more octopus species waiting to be discovered,".
According to Jim Barry, a deep-sea ecologist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. The Research Institute, which was not involved in the expedition.

Source: Live Science

Then, the researchers also witnessed baby sea octopuses emerging from eggs incubated by their parents near a hydrothermal vent in the same underwater rock formation, called the Dorado Expose (that's why the new species is nicknamed that).

4 New Species of Octopus Discovered in the Deep Sea, Never Seen Before

Discovery of New Species.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The Dorado octopus is very similar to the pearl octopus (Muusoctopus strongus), which was previously discovered by a separate team of researchers incubating its eggs near hydrothermal vents in central California. To distinguish the Dorado octopus as a separate species in recent investigations, scientists conducted careful observations and descriptions of the different octopuses, such as measuring their arms and counting their suckers."

Both of these species have unusual morphology, with small eyes, strong bodies, and relatively short arms. It is these details that set them apart. Of the three additional species identified by the team far from the hydrothermal vents, two are also members of the genus Muusoctopus. They have two rows of suckers on their arms and do not have ink sacs.

For both of them, the big eyes are the most noticeable difference between Dora's octopus and one of its species which is reddish in color, with long arms, while the other species has a brighter color on the top and darker on the bottom. The fourth species is eccentric.

"It is very different from anything I have ever seen; I don't know where to assign it," said Voight. However, he and Vásquez observed a row of suckers on each arm of the animal and strange bumps on its skin, which they believed could place this species in the genus Graneledone."

4 New Species of Octopus Discovered in the Deep Sea, Never Seen Before

The other three newly discovered species have not been officially named yet. The researchers are collecting additional specimens that they are still studying to determine the best classification.

Next, they have to describe and illustrate each species carefully, run the information through peer review, and then, if accepted, the species name will be included in scientific literature.

4 New Species of Octopus Discovered in the Deep Sea, Never Seen Before
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