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40 Kata-Kata Islami Sedih tentang Dosa yang Penuh Pelajaran, Tunjukkan Penyesalan dan Menggugah Hati untuk Bertobat

"40 Sad Islamic Words about Sin that are Full of Lessons, Show Regret and Stir the Heart to Repent"

Dream - Sin occurs when someone violates the rules of Allah SWT. Whether it is a major or minor sin, it depends on the actions committed by a servant. Every human being is certainly not exempt from such sin. However, as long as we are still alive in this world, my friend Dream still has the opportunity to seek forgiveness or repent to Allah SWT and regret their actions. Sad Islamic words about sin are a form of expression of regret and concern for the sins that have been committed.

These words also serve as a reminder to oneself and others to always be cautious in their actions.

40 Sad Islamic Words about Sin that are Full of Lessons, Show Regret and Stir the Heart to Repent

"Through Islamic words, sadness about sins is also able to awaken ourselves to the sins that have been committed in the past. Thus, it moves the heart to improve and seek forgiveness from Him. Here are sad Islamic words about sins that can inspire you, as summarized by Dream through various sources."

Sad Islamic Words about Sin to Seek Forgiveness

Sad Islamic Words about Sin to Seek Forgiveness

"I see my sins as if they are so great. But when I compare them with Your forgiveness, it turns out Your forgiveness is much greater." - Imam Shafi'i

"Dosa-dosamu boleh jadi sebesar kapal, tapi jangan pernah lupa bahwa rahmat Allah lebih besar daripada lautan." "Kulihat dosa-dosaku seakan begitu besar. Tapi, saat kusandingkan dengan ampunan-Mu, ternyata ampunan-Mu jauh lebih besar." "Sangat normal jika kita penuh dosa dan penuh dengan kekurangan. Yang menjadi masalah adalah saat kita berhenti menyesali dosa-dosa yang kita lakukan dan tidak bertobat kepada Allah." "Jangan pernah berpikir buruk tentang saudara sesama muslim, laki-laki maupun perempuan. Tak peduli dosa apa yang mereka lakukan. Bencilah dengan perbuatan dosanya, bukan dengan orangnya. Berikan nasihat dan berdoalah untuk mereka."

"If one night you see someone committing a sin, the next day do not consider them as a sinner, perhaps on that night they have repented while you are unaware." - Ali bin Abi Thalib "Satan does not win when you commit a sin, but Satan achieves victory when you think that Allah will not forgive you." "You commit a sin? Allah will forgive. You worry? Allah is in control. You feel alone? Allah is always with you." - Dr. Bilal Philips

"The sins that have become habits must be greatly feared because sins that are continuously committed without repentance will become a person's nature." "The stronger the urge to commit sins, the greater the reward for abandoning them because of Allah."

Sad Islamic Words about Sin that Show Regret

Sad Islamic Words about Sin that Show Regret

"Embarrassed when you commit sins in public. But, don't be ashamed to show your faith."

"Sin needs to be burned, whether it is with the pain of regret in this world or with the fire of hell in the hereafter." - Ali bin Abi Thalib "Sinful actions that make you sad and regretful are more beloved by Allah than good deeds that make you boastful." - Ibnu Qayyim "The repentance of a sinner is more beloved by Allah than the glorification of a proud person." - Ibnu Qayyim "When we are tempted to commit sin, remember the following: 1. Death 2. Allah is watching 3. Angels will record." - Unknown "Avoiding sin is lighter than enduring the pain of regret." - Unknown

"If one night you see someone committing a sin, the next day do not consider them as a sinful person, perhaps on that night they have repented while you are unaware." "I feel ashamed when being considered good when in fact I am a great sinner, it's just that Allah is covering my flaws." "It is very normal for us to be full of sins and shortcomings, the problem arises when we stop regretting the sins we commit and do not repent to God." "Sins that make you sad and regretful are more beloved by Allah than good deeds that make you boastful."

Sad Islamic Words about Sin that are Full of Lessons

Sad Islamic Words about Sin that are Full of Lessons

"Indeed, Allah forgives all sins." (Q.S Az-Zumar: 53)

"Do not underestimate small sins, because a great fire can even be caused by the smallest spark." - Ibnu Qayyim "Heaven and hell, both were created for those who commit sins. Heaven was created for sinners who repent, while Hell was created for sinners who refuse to repent from their transgressions." - Syaikh Taufique Chaudry "When you commit a sin, it is a sign of weakness. But when you encourage others to commit sins, it means a lot of damage has occurred, especially to your spirituality."

"Goodness is good behavior, while sin is anything that makes your soul doubt and you don't like to show it to others." "To get the most beautiful flowers, you must be careful to avoid thorns. Likewise, to reach heaven, you must also be careful to avoid sin." - Sheikh Ahmad Musa Jibril "It is strongly emphasized to always remember Allah because generally sins are committed when Allah is forgotten." "Do not underestimate a sin, but look at the greatness that you disobey."

"Your own sins should be enough to divert your attention from judging others' mistakes." "Small sins will consume our faith like ants devouring a cake. You may not realize its impact for a long time, and when you finally do, it's already too late." "Do not underestimate small sins, for in reality, a mountain is made up of sand." - Ali bin Abi Thalib "One of the worst sins is someone who underestimates their own sins." - Abu Bakar As-Siddiq

"You have committed so many sins and yet Allah still remains kind to you. Imagine if you were good, what kind of mercy and goodness Allah would bestow upon you." - Ali bin Abi Thalib

40 Sad Islamic Words about Sin that are Full of Lessons, Show Regret and Stir the Heart to Repent

"Most of the screams from the inhabitants of hell are regrets for delaying their repentance." - HR Muslim "True repentance is not only stopping from committing sins, but also turning towards goodness and striving earnestly to remain on the path of goodness." "Indeed, a believer sees his sins as if he is sitting under a mountain and he is afraid that the mountain will fall on him. Meanwhile, a sinner sees his sins like a fly passing in front of his nose and he simply drives away the fly." - Hadith

"Avoid sinful deeds because they destroy the heart, do good deeds because they invite tranquility." "Indeed, Allah loves those who repent and loves those who purify themselves." Every child of Adam will surely make mistakes and the best of them who make mistakes are those who are willing to repent." - HR Ahmad"The most beautiful blessing that has been given to us is the opportunity to repent. So what are you waiting for?""

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